4. Design a Landing Page

  • Updated

A Landing Page is where visitors “land” after they click a link in an email. They help you promote content and calls to action, converting visitors into customers. Landing Pages can contain Forms to convert your prospects to 'known' and grow your lists.

Here we'll design a basic Landing Page to get you confident with the Act-On Landing Page composer.

Step A: Start a New Landing Page

  1. When signed in to Act-On, go to ContentLanding Pages:

    LP 01.png

  2. At the top right, click + Create landing page.

  3. In the dialog that opens, click Start from scratch and click Create.
    The Act-On Landing Page composer opens.

Step B: Set Your Landing Page Properties

  1. In the Act-On Landing Page Composer, at the top, click the Properties tab.

  2. Type a Title for your landing page, for example:


    Tip! The Title appears in the browser tab when visiting this landing page, so consider what title you use, for example, something to help engage visitors.

    All other settings in the Properties tab can be left unchanged.

Step C: Design Your Landing Page


Step D: Optimize your Landing Page for Different Devices

Now we'll optimize the Landing Page design for viewing on different devices. For a mobile device, the heading text may be too large, and the image may increase load time.


Step E: Review Your Landing Page


What Good Looks Like

Your Landing Page in a browser...


...and on a mobile device.


Congratulations, you created your first Landing Page!

 Rather watch a video? Have a look at Design & Deploy Landing Pages in the New User Video Learning for information about designing Landing Pages (Act-On sign-in is required for access).

There's More to Landing Page Design

This exercise is a basic Landing Page to get you started; there is much more to designing a Landing Page to promote content and convert visitors into customers. See Advanced Landing Page Features.

Next, we'll create a Form to add to your Landing Page, to convert prospects to known contacts & grow your lists.


Next step: Build a Form

Previous step

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