For seamless data synchronization between SugarCRM and Act-On Contacts, establish a mapping of your data fields and configure the synchronization settings to ensure real-time data updates. If you are using Marketing Lists, click here.
- First, make sure SugarCRM is connected to Act-On.
Map Act-On Standard Fields
Act-On uses standard fields for efficient marketing automation tasks such as sending emails and SMS, as well as incorporating personalizations in messages. To ensure optimal results in segmentation, and other data-related activities are achieved you will want to employ these correctly.
- Using your Administrator account, sign in to Act-On.
- Go to Settings > Data Management > Contact Mapping tab.
- In Map CRM Fields to Act-On Standard Fields, SugarCRM fields for Lead, Target, & Contact are on the left, and the Act-On field is on the right:
- The most commonly used fields have already been mapped. Review these to ensure accuracy.
- Delete any fields you don’t want to include in your Act-On Contacts by hovering over the field and clicking on the trash icon to the right.
- To include more Act-On Standard fields, scroll to the bottom of the mapped fields:
- Find the first available Select Destination field on the right, and choose the extra field from the dropdown.
- Pick the corresponding SugarCRM fields from the left columns.
- You must Map the SugarCRM email fields to the Act-On Contacts email address field
- Add any Standard Fields used for scores or personalization in existing templates or emails.
- For any extra data in Act-On Contacts without a SugarCRM equivalent, select the field on the right but leave it unmapped on the left. You don't have to map all Act-On Contacts fields to SugarCRM.
- Click Save in the top banner.
Create & Map Custom Fields
If you need to add fields that are not available in the Act-On Standard fields drop-down, run through the following:
- Scroll down to the bottom of Map to Act-On Custom Fields.
- In the Destination Field box, enter a field name. This could be:
- Standard SugarCRM fields
- Custom fields that you have created in SugarCRM
- Custom fields that you will use in Act-On only and not sync to SugarCRM
- Fields that come from another data source
- If you have corresponding SugarCRM fields for Lead, Targets, or Contacts, select them from the left columns. If not, just leave the columns on Select Source.
- Lastly, select the appropriate Data Type for the field. This should match the field’s data type in SugarCRM.
- Click Save in the top banner.
Be sure to add any Custom Fields that are currently used to calculate scores or used in personalization in any existing templates or emails.
Set a Push Policy
The default policy enables a two-way sync between Act-On and SugarCRM. If there's a change in SugarCRM data, it is reflected in Act-On during the next sync. Conversely, changes in Act-On get pushed to SugarCRM. Act-On contact data may change through user edits, List Maintenance, Automated Program updates, or Form submissions overwriting data in a field.
If you wish to change the default push policy or select individual fields that should not push updates to SugarCRM, run through the following:
- Go to Settings > Data Management > Contact Mapping.
- in the CRM Data Sync Setting box, click Edit.
- In Default sync setting, select to allow or not allow Act-On to push data to SugarCRM & click Save:
- To change the push policy for an individual field, scroll down to Map CRM Fields to Act-On Standard Fields, and toggle the Allow Push option & click Save in the top banner. In the example below, the Name & Email fields can be pushed to SugarCRM, but Mobile/Cell Phone can not:
You can't toggle off Score fields, so if you don't want the score to push to SugarCRM, remove the mapping.
- Once you’ve mapped your fields, click Save in the top banner.
Schedule Syncs Between Act-On & SugarCRM
Setting this up will establish a sync schedule to maintain up-to-date data.
- Go to Settings > Data Management > Sync Schedule.
- Under Synchronization Schedule, schedule your recurring sync with SugarCRM. Automatic is recommended.
- Click Save in the top banner.
- Click Sync Now to populate your Act-On Contacts list:
The sync schedule you set determines how frequently Act-On updates contact data from SugarCRM and sends scores and opt-out information to SugarCRM. Other mapped data changes on contacts are immediately pushed by Act-On as they happen, independent of this schedule.
Act-On won't delete contacts in SugarCRM, and it only adds new contacts to SugarCRM if explicitly designated through the Push to CRM setting in Forms or a Create in CRM step in Automated Programs. Contacts deleted in SugarCRM will be removed in Act-On during the next sync.
Scheduled syncs are a full sync every two weeks (pulling and updating every record) and incremental syncs between these (pulling and updating only those records that have changed in the CRM).
A full sync will occur if a new field is added in data management.
Review Your Act-On Contact List
You should now see custom segments in Act-On, including one for All Act-On Contacts along with segments for the following SugarCRM entities:
- All SugarCRM Contacts
- All SugarCRM Leads
- All SugarCRM Targets
To review these:
- Go to Contacts > All Contacts.
- In All Segments, use Search at the upper right.
See Find a Segment - Act-On Contacts for more information.
Next Steps
Congratulations! Your data is synchronized between SugarCRM and Act-On Contacts. Now you have completed the integration, here is how you can access your Act-On data in SugarCRM.