Onboard new Credit Union members with information about the range of products and services offered to build long-term member relationships. Credit Unions can consider adding offline “welcome packages” as part of their onboarding process, and coordinate and time the sending of these offline packages with their new member automated programs.
Get an API Key
- Login to PCM Integrations.
- Navigate to Settings > API Keys:
- If testing use Sandbox API Keys otherwise use Production. For the purposes of this guide, we are using Sandbox API key.
- Click to generate Sandbox Secret Key
- If this is your first time generating a key and you are certain an existing one is not already used for another integration, click on Generate API Secret
- Generate API Secret
- Copy and save the secret key. It will no longer be visible after you leave the screen.
Generate Secure Token - “Long Live Token”
The token generated in this step is required in the webhook set-up in Act-On. You may use an API developer platform of your choice. This guide will show you how to generate it using Postman.
- Login to Postman
- Follow example as provided in Settings > API keys
- Make a POST request to URL https://v3.pcmintegrations.com/auth/login
Choose Json formatting and add the following in the body
{ "apiKey" : "{apiKey}",
"apiSecret" : "{apiSecret}
Choose Json formatting and add the following in the body
Replace the API key and Secret from the prior steps (this example is using the Sandbox API Key and Secret)
Send request. You should see a 200 response code with the token details (code and expiration code). Note: if expiration date is not a year from the date it is generated, reach out to the Support team to enable the “Long Live Token” feature for your account).
Create Letter Design
- Navigate to PostCard Mania and click on Letter under the Design menu
- If the design already exists, click to open, otherwise create a new one
- Note: you can host the letter PDF in Act-On’s Media Library or any other accessible hosts like AWS, Tiny.host, etc.
- Note: you can host the letter PDF in Act-On’s Media Library or any other accessible hosts like AWS, Tiny.host, etc.
- Navigate to the Order JSON Example
- Copy values needed for the webhook setup in Act-On
- ExtrefNBr
- designID
- MailClass
Create Webhook
- Login to Act-On and navigate to Settings > Connectors
- Click Outgoing Webhooks
- Click on Add Endpoint button and add relevant information.
There are two options here. You can choose to create one from a template or from blank.- Template
- Go to Transformation template tab
- Click on “PostCard Mania - Place Letter Order”
- Add URL https://v3.pcmintegrations.com/order/letter
- Event should already be defaulted to “automated-program-step.executed”
- Create
- Blank
- Go to Custom URL tab
- URL - POST https://v3.pcmintegrations.com/order/letter
- Description: Optional but recommended you add a description that is relevant to the use case
- Event: automated-program-step.executed
- Save
- Template
- Edit endpoint
- Click on Advanced tab
- Add rate limit
- Type “Authentication” in Key field and the Bearer token retrieved in the earlier step.
- Click on the + button to save
- If Transformation is not enabled, toggle to “Enabled”
- Click on Edit transformation
- Make updates to the payload. You can copy and paste the below message. Make sure you adapt the content based on your desired template:
- Update extRefNbr value from the Order Json Example
- Update DesignID value from the Order Json Example
- Fetch the URL where the design for the letter is stored. If stored in Act-On’s media library, it will look something like this https://a45547.actonservice.com/acton/attachment/45547/f-a48e5d2e-3d4a-4809-9145-b76b59a05971/1/-/-/-/-/Letter%20-%20Postcard%20Mania.pd
- Update eprintOnBothSides to either True or False
- Update returnAddress to the desired return address fields
- Update recipient personalizations based on the field names found in Data Management
- Format of the personalization should include
- webhook.payload.contact - identifies that the transformation variable is updated from the webhook
- [“token”] - formatting required for the transformation to personalize accordingly
- Example personalizations fromAct-On account’s Settings>Data Management configuration
- Mailing City - webhook.payload.contact["Business City"]
- Date and Time - webhook.payload.contact["Date and Time"]
- Format of the personalization should include
- Run the test and confirm email is received validating that the test was successful. If API keys used for the test are for Sandbox, note that you will need to retrieve a Production API from PostCard Mania and use those in Act-On when creating a webhook.
"extRefNbr": "12345",
"designID": 2551,
"color": false,
"letter": "https://a45547.actonservice.com/acton/attachment/45547/f-a48e5d2e-3d4a-4809-9145-b76b59a05971/1/-/-/-/-/Letter%20-%20Postcard%20Mania.pdf",
"insertAddressingPage": false,
"envelope": {
"type": "Regular"
"globalDesignVariables": [
"key": "pdfurl",
"value": "image url"
}, {
"key": "returnaddress",
"value": "text"
}, {
"key": "returnaddresscity",
"value": "text"
"key": "returnaddressname",
"value": "text"
}, {
"key": "returnaddressstate",
"value": "text"
}, {
"key": "returnaddresszipcode",
"value": "text"
"mailClass": "FirstClass",
"printOnBothSides": true,
"recipients": [
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Person",
"address": "123 4th St",
"address2": "Unit 1",
"city": "Clearwater",
"state": "FL",
"zipCode": "33765",
"variables": []
], "returnAddress": {
"firstName": "Return",
"lastName": "Address",
"address": "123 4th St",
"address2": "Unit 1",
"city": "Clearwater",
"state": "FL",
"zipCode": "33765"
Create Automated Program
- Log into Act-On
- Go to Automations > Automated Programs
- Add new program
- Choose desired source list
- This will be the segment that includes all the contacts that will be nurtured with a letter from PostCard Mania as they enter the program. In this scenario, the segment is based on prospects that are qualified once they reach a score of 100 pts in Act-On.
- Add Step: Outgoing Webhooks
- Select the URL of the webhook created in the prior section (look at Description of endpoint URL to ensure you are selecting the correct one).
- Choose all the contact fields you wish to include in the webhook payload. These are the fields mapped in the transformation area of the webhook.
- Submit and save
- Start Program
A successful program will trigger a webhook that has a 200 response code. You can validate this from Settings > Connectors > Outgoing Webhooks by viewing the logs for the endpoint called by the Automated Program.