Businesses have approximately 20 seconds to capture the attention of web visitors. InSite leverages generative AI (GenAI) to help businesses up-level their web experience and quickly connect visitors with accurate, personalized information.
How Do I Access Insite?
When you purchase Insite, you receive credentials to sign in, configure your agent, & retrieve the JavaScript which when placed on your website, deploys the agent. Insite is then available at the bottom right of your screen. See Settings > Installation.
How Do I Use Insite?
- Type your question in the box or click & speak to start a conversation with Insite.
- Insite responds with answers to your query, which may include links to Learn more.
- To ask further questions, in the box at the bottom, type or speak as before.
- If Insite asks if you'd like an email summary, enter the Email address you want the conversation sent to in the box.
For example:
Click the gear icon (top right) to customize your Insite. See AI Insite Settings for details on the settings available.
- To minimize Insite, at the top right, click You won't lose your conversation.
- To open again, click the logo (bottom right), for example: