Act-On AI Insite

  • Updated

Businesses have approximately 20 seconds to capture the attention of web visitors. InSite leverages generative AI (GenAI) to help businesses up-level their web experience and quickly connect visitors with accurate, personalized information.

Insite is an add-on feature. Contact support for details.

How Do I Access Insite?

When you purchase Insite, you receive credentials to sign in, configure your agent, & retrieve the JavaScript which when placed on your website, deploys the agent. Insite is then available at the bottom right of your screen. See Settings > Installation.

How Do I Use Insite?

  1. Type your question in the box or click  & speak to start a conversation with Insite.
  2. Insite responds with answers to your query, which may include links to Learn more.
  3. To ask further questions, in the box at the bottom, type or speak as before.
  4. If Insite asks if you'd like an email summary, enter the Email address you want the conversation sent to in the box.

For example:

Act-On AI Insite 02.gif


Click the gear icon (top right) to customize your Insite. See AI Insite Settings for details on the settings available.


  • To minimize Insite, at the top right, click  You won't lose your conversation.
  • To open again, click the logo (bottom right), for example:

Act-On AI Insite 04.png

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