What's Changing
Looking to have your audience upload resumes, claim forms, images, or other files to Act-On via Form submission? We've added a File Upload block to the Act-On Form composer, available for Forms that submit to Act-On Contacts.
The File Upload block can be configured to allow one or more files in a single upload, or multiple file upload fields can be added to a single Form. You can specify allowed file types, modify the style of the block, text, & button, & customize the possible error messages.
Files are scanned for viruses/content as they are uploaded and stored securely for your account.
To access the uploaded file, you can download it from the All Contacts Form Submissions list. Download files individually or download the entire list with a zip file of attachments. A link to the file will also appear on the Form email alert.
Files are stored in your Act-On account according to the data retention period specified in your contract.
If you have "classic" Forms that contain a file upload block, you can now convert them to "new" Forms and the file upload block will also be converted. Be sure to then upgrade them to an Act-On Contacts Form (try our Upgrade Assistant) so that the file upload block is available. You can also convert classic Forms in 1 step when using the Upgrade Assistant.
The file upload block will be available on your Act-On Contacts enabled Forms with the January 30, 2025 release.
Customer Impact
This feature provides a convenient way to gather additional information with your Act-On Forms. You can also segment Form submissions based on whether a file was uploaded or not. Need to learn more about setting up Act-On Contacts, our improved contact data platform, to take advantage of this feature? Read up on it here.