Export Contacts and Lists

  • Updated

Once a list is uploaded or imported into Act-On, you can continue to export these lists into Excel or CSV format files.

Follow the steps below to export contacts and other lists from Act-On.


Export Contacts and Other Lists from Act-On

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Marketing Lists
  2. Select the target list or segment
  3. Click the green arrow to the right of your list or segment
  4. Click Import/Export > Download to Excel or Download to CSV
  5. Choose to view or save the listed records in an Excel-compatible format


Export Opt-Outs, Hard Bounces, or Soft Bounces

  1. Click Contacts > Other Lists > Bounces & Opt-Outs
  2. Select the target list
  3. Click Download
  4. You will be prompted to save or open the CSV file


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