Using the Social Share Block

  • Updated
Using Social Share, you can provide your recipients links to promote marketing content on your behalf directly on your Landing Page.

You can add share icons for Facebook, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn. You have complete control over styling options, which includes the ability to select different icon sets, icon size, icon padding, alignment, and horizontal/vertical layout. Additionally, you can drag the icons in the order you want them to appear on your Landing Page:

Using the Social Share Block 01.png

  1. From the Design tab, click and drag the Social Share block into the section you would like.
  2. The Edit Social Share tray will open and you can begin styling the Social Share block to fit your Landing Page. 


Modify the design

  • Select/Order: By default, all icons will be visible. If you would like to only have X (Twitter) and Facebook, for example, you would click the LinkedIn icon to hide it. To rearrange the order of the icons, click and drag the icons until they are in the correct order.
  • Style: Choose between circle or square icons, along with if you would like them black/white or in color. 
  • Size: Choose between small/medium/large icons and set the icon padding below. The padding will determine the distance in pixels between the icons.
  • Align: Choose if you would like the icons aligned to the left/right/center.
  • Layout: Choose between a horizontal or vertical icon layout:

Using the Social Share Block 02.png

Modify the Content

  • Prompt: The prompt is the text that shows above the social sharing buttons.
  • Title: The title is the text that is sent to X (Twitter) and LinkedIn for sharing.
  • Link: This is the link that gets shared on X (Twitter) & LinkedIn. This landing page link is used if left blank:

Using the Social Share Block 03.png

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