Using Anchors in Legacy Emails

  • Updated

Anchors are destinations for links and are frequently used in messages containing a significant amount of content. They are convenient because they send recipients directly to specific sections within the content which reduces the amount of scrolling that a recipient needs to do.   

Information in this article is about legacy emails. See Anchor Links for relevant information about emails created in the Email Composer.

Long-format content, like newsletters, can benefit from using lists of links to different sections by making it easier and quicker for recipients to pinpoint content that captures their attention.

Anchor links are not supported by all browsers and devices - mobile apps, in particular, tend not to support them. Make sure to test your email in whatever browser(s) most of your contacts will be using.


Step 1: Add an Anchor

  1. Go to edit the legacy email to which you want to add an anchor. For example, Content > Email Templates > (select) Edit > Design tab.
  2. Point to the rich text block where you want to add an anchor and click the pencil   to open the editor:
  3. Highlight the text where you want your anchor to be, then in the toolbar, click the Anchor button.
  4. Enter a Name for the anchor (e.g., 'myanchor1') that is:
    • Simple
    • Unique
    • Uses letters and numbers only (no spaces or special characters):
  5. Click Save.
  6. An anchor icon is now visible in the rich text editor.  
  7. Click OK to close the editor and Save (top right).

Step 2: Link to an Anchor

  1. In the legacy email, find where you want to link from; it doesn't have to be in the same block. Open the rich text editor and highlight the text you want to be a link to your anchor. Then in the toolbar, click the Link button.
  2. In the URL box, enter the name of the anchor prefixed with a hash symbol #, as shown:
    If the anchor is in the same block, you can also use the Anchors drop-down menu (not shown here).
  3. Click Save, and also save your changes to the email.

The link takes users to the anchor in the legacy email:

Note: As well as rich text blocks, you can use anchors in dynamic content and custom content blocks.
You can also use anchors on landing pages. See Using Anchors in Landing Pages.

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