The Revenue Impact Report

  • Updated

The Revenue Impact report can help you track the leads and booked deals that were generated from your marketing efforts in Act-On. You can track key KPIs and data including Lead Source, Opportunities, Campaign, and Campaign Type.

To access the reports, navigate to Reports > Revenue Impact. You can set a reporting period from our new date picker in the upper left; choose from the previous month, quarter, or year, or pick custom dates.

This report works by pulling in data from your integrated CRM. It currently supports connections with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SugarCRM, and Zendesk Sell. Netsuite is not supported by the CRM reports.

Report Sections

Date Picker

Allows users to pick the previous month, previous quarter, or previous year. The user can also select a custom date range.


Key KPIs

Shows key data points across the top industry, market segment, and region driving the Won Opportunities.


New Leads

Shows how many leads were generated from each lead source or over time.





Shows all opportunities, new opportunities, and won opportunities by lead source, campaign type, or over time. Users can toggle between the opportunity types to change the data below. Users can change the x-axis of the chart from the chart drop-down. Users can also view the data by count or revenue.

  • All opportunities are the new and won opportunities in the time frame selected in the date picker
  • New opportunities were created in the time frame selected in the date picker, regardless of the current status
  • Won opportunities are opportunities marked as Closed - Won during the time frame selected in the date picker



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Campaign Performance

View a drill-down table grouped by campaign type based on your campaign performance:


Setting Up the Report


  • Act-On account integrated with either Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SugarCRM, or Zendesk Sell
  • CRM connected with a user that has full admin permissions or edit access to the fields listed below (on Leads, Opportunities, and Campaigns)
  • Data Management sync enabled. You can set this sync up in Settings > Data Management.

CRM Fields

The report will auto-pick fields from your CRM to populate the report but can be changed by the user in Settings > Data Management > Report Mapping or by clicking the banner in the report. The user can select any field from the associated object to populate the Act-On standard report field names. Default fields will be selected initially but can be changed at any time.

Other Guidelines

Each organization implements its CRM in its own way. To ensure consistent results in these reports, you'll need to follow these guidelines:

  • Use opportunities, leads, and campaigns in your CRM – CRM Campaigns must be active to display in the report. Inactive campaigns and associated opportunity data are not displayed.
  • Opportunities should be associated with a primary campaign – Opportunities not associated with a campaign are grouped in 'no campaign.'
  • Opportunities should have the correct amount and close date – Note that the revenue metrics for campaigns in this report are obtained by summing amounts of the opportunities associated with each campaign. The report does not use any revenue metrics from the CRM campaign records.
  • Lead Sources and Campaign Types – These should reflect your set of general marketing programs (e.g., 'Survey,' 'Webinar,' 'Email Nurture,' etc.) as opposed to a giant list of detailed lead sources and specific campaigns. Use a secondary field like 'Lead Source Detail' to collect more granular details about the source of the leads. The values in your picklists for Lead Source and Campaign Type should be overlapping with few exceptions so that the Leads and Opportunities by Lead Type reports will align with the Campaigns by Campaign Type report.

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