You can perform a quality check by previewing your emails in HTML, plain text, and mobile views in the Email Composer. Checking your email design for accuracy is an important step for ensuring that your email content is delivered to your contacts as intended.
- Once you have composed and addressed an email message, navigate to the Review tab of the Act-On Email Composer
- Toggle through the HTML, Text, and Mobile tabs located at the bottom of the message display and confirm that your email message appears correctly
- HTML: Preview your message as it may display in the browser. This view is responsive - if you resize your browser window, the preview will resize as your message design allows. (Read more about responsive design in Act-On.) Note that this is a preview and message may display differently in different web environments (such as Outlook)
- Text: Preview the text-only version of your message. (To learn more and make changes, see Generate a Plain Text Version of an Email Message.)
- Mobile: Preview the message at 320px wide x 568px height
For more options to preview your message, consider a connector such as Litmus.
Next Steps
Send yourself a Test Message
As a best practice, you should always send yourself test email messages before launching a new campaign, as well as to any stakeholders. You can create and segment test lists to send tests to multiple emails.
Prepare to send
When you are done reviewing your email design, you should also validate the technical elements of your message to make sure it is ready to send: How to Validate an Email Message for Sending.
Send your message
Choose an email send method and launch your campaign!