Export Act-On Contact Data to a CSV

  • Updated

You can export your contact data to a CSV file from the All Contacts page


Export All Contacts

  1. Navigate to Contacts > All Contacts 
  2. Find the segment titled All Act-On Contacts
  3. Hover over and click More Options  
  4. Click Export to CSV
  5. Your CSV file will appear locally in your Downloads folder, or wherever your web browser saves files by default.

Export a Segment

  1. Navigate to Contacts > All Contacts
  2. Hover over your segment and click More Options  
  3. Click Export to CSV
  4. Your CSV file will appear locally in your Downloads folder, or wherever your web browser saves files by default.

Export Individual Contacts

  1. Go to the Contact Listing page
  2. Use the checkboxes to the left to select multiple contacts
  3. From the blue bar at the top, select the Export icon
  4. Your CSV file will appear locally in your Downloads folder, or wherever your web browser saves files by default.

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