Organize Act-On Contacts Segments in Folders

  • Updated

Use folders to easily organize and categorize your Act-On Contacts segments in All Contacts.  


Create a Folder

  1. Go to Contacts > All Contacts > Segments > Folders
  2. Click Add Folder  
  3. In the pop-up, name your folder
    • Leave Nest within a folder unchecked
  4. Click Create

Create a Subfolder

  1. Go to Segments > Folders
  2. Hover over an existing folder and click Add Subfolder  
  3. In the pop-up, name your new subfolder and select a parent folder
    • Check Nest within a folder to select a parent folder
  4. Click Create

Rename a Folder

  1. Go to Segments > Folders
  2. Hover over an existing folder and click More  
  3. Select Rename from the drop-down menu
  4. In the pop-up, type a new folder name
  5. Click Rename

Delete a Folder

  1. Go to Segments > Folders
  2. Hover over the folder title and click More  
  3. Click Delete
    • Segments within the folder will not be deleted
    • Segments will automatically move to a parent folder (if one is present) or All Segments

Move a Segment into a Folder

Easily add segments into a folder with More  or drag & drop segments from All Segments into the Folders tab. You can also move segments between folders as needed.

Note: A segment can only be in one folder at a time.

Add a segment to a folder

  1. Go to Segments > All Segments
  2. Hover over the segment you'd like to move and click More  
  3. Select Add to folder from the drop-down menu
  4. Select your target folder
  5. Click Add

Move a segment to a different folder

If you'd like to move a segment from its current folder to a different folder:

  1. Go to Segments > All Segments
  2. Hover over the segment you'd like to move and click More  
  3. Select Move to folder from the drop-down menu
  4. Select your new folder location
  5. Click Move

Drag & drop a segment into a folder

  1. Go to Segments > All Segments
  2. Hover over the segment you'd like to move
  3. Click and hold the vertical grip  (located to the left of the checkbox)
  4. Drag your segment to any folder under Folders in the Segments panel

Move Multiple Segments into a Folder

  1. Go to Segments > Folders
  2. Click on the folder containing segments you'd like to move
  3. Check the boxes next to each desired segment
  4. Click Move to folder  
  5. Select a new folder location from the drop-down menu
  6. Click Move

Drag & drop multiple segments

You can also drag & drop multiple segments into a folder:

  1. Check the boxes next to each segment you'd like to move
  2. Click and hold the vertical grip  
  3. Drag your selected segments into another folder under the Segments panel

Tip! Moving a segment will not automatically move its subsegments. Make sure to check the box for any subsegments if you want to move them into a folder with their parent segment. Segments that have subsegments are indicated by a caret  in the segment row.

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