What landing page is my form on?

Anne Mullaney
We have a lot of similar forms, and a lot of similar landing pages. It can be challenging to figure out which form is on which landing page. Does anyone know of a simple way to see what landing page(s) a particular form sits on?

Anne Mullaney
VP Marketing, Cutter Consortium


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Robert Kohnke
    Hi @Anne Mullaney,

    This will depend on what type of Form you are using.

    If it is in the new form composer, edit the form and navigate to the Embed tab - there you will see the name(s) of the Act-On Landing Page that your form is embedded on:

    If you are using the classic composer or have your form embedded on an external site, one quick solution is to go to the form submission list for your form and view the contact history report for one of the recent submissions.

    In the timeline, you will see the form view and submission and it is most likely preceded directly by the LP/Webpage that was viewed, which would have the form on it.

    I hope this helps!

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Have a great day and Happy Marketing!

    Robert Kohnke
    Marketing Operations Strategist, Act-On Software, Inc.
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-24-2018 13:55
    From: Anne Mullaney
    Subject: What landing page is my form on?

    We have a lot of similar forms, and a lot of similar landing pages. It can be challenging to figure out which form is on which landing page. Does anyone know of a simple way to see what landing page(s) a particular form sits on?

    Anne Mullaney
    VP Marketing, Cutter Consortium

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