Email Setup and HTML & Text Opt-Out
We just got Act-On and I am trying to send out my first email but I am receiving the HTML & Text Opt-Out Link (CANSPAM) error before I can send it. I turned on the suppression management and I added the opt-out click here to the footer on my email.
I am not sure what I am missing and any help is much appreciated.
Aaron Persich
Business Intelligence Manager, Heaton Dainard
This might fix this issue...
You may need to experiment with where you put this, but it should allow you to place clear that issue from your Review.
James Matney
E Communications Specialist, TEEX - Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2019 19:10
From: Aaron Persich
Subject: Email Setup and HTML & Text Opt-Out
We just got Act-On and I am trying to send out my first email but I am receiving the HTML & Text Opt-Out Link (CANSPAM) error before I can send it. I turned on the suppression management and I added the opt-out click here to the footer on my email.
I am not sure what I am missing and any help is much appreciated.

Aaron Persich
Business Intelligence Manager, Heaton Dainard
I'm going to take a stab at answering this. I had a problem at one time as well. In the footer, where you include the opt-out link, you must also include these fields: {{Account.COMPANY}}
You can't 'hard code' your company name and address because Act-On just sees that as text - it doesn't 'know' that you included the company name and address, which are required by CAN_Spam.
Here is how the first 2 lines of my footer looks:
This email was sent to {{={{Email Address}}|{{Email}}}} by {{Account.COMPANY}}
(There are two 'email' fields because some of my lists still have the column header Email Address, and some have the new one (since we switched to Salesforce) of Email. putting both fields makes sure Act-On sees the email regardless of the list it comes from.)
Hope that helps.
Of course you must also include the Manage preferences/Opt-Out link in the footer.
Chris Bjorklund
EMarketing Coordinator, Don Johnston Incorporated
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2019 19:10
From: Aaron Persich
Subject: Email Setup and HTML & Text Opt-Out
We just got Act-On and I am trying to send out my first email but I am receiving the HTML & Text Opt-Out Link (CANSPAM) error before I can send it. I turned on the suppression management and I added the opt-out click here to the footer on my email.
I am not sure what I am missing and any help is much appreciated.

Aaron Persich
Business Intelligence Manager, Heaton Dainard
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