Seperate scoring on fit and engagement using multiple scoresheets
Another way to solve this was to only fill in the engagement part in the scoresheet and use segmentation for the fit part. But that was still not an ideal way to work. Now every instance has 5 scoresheets available which means you could use one to fill in the fit and a seperate one to fill in the engagement. Using both scores you are able to divide your leads in to several buckets like below picture.

For every bucket you have to decide what the value is: Will the fit ever get score that makes the lead interesting? The score on fit will most of the times not grow. A lead will mostly fill in two to three forms. With progressive profiling you could enhance this process. Or you could use external sources to enrich the lead (for example clearbit or Fullcontact). But a competitor will stay a competitor.
How to utilize the use of seperate scoresheets for fit and engagement? In the Act-On templates they've created a main segment with sub segments based on leadscore dimensions: 0 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 40 and 40+.
With seperate scoringsheets you will do it the same way: by grouping scoring dimensions for fit and engagement in to a segment. For example A1: fit score = 40+ & engagement score = 40+. Next you can create a segment for leads with score A2 and B1 etc.
If anybody has some additions to this please add them. Having the functionality really enhances the product.
Marten Hoekstra
Stan and Stacy
Would love to hear more stories if there's anyone who has recently started taking advantage of multiple score sheets now that they're in our Pro Edition.
Adam Mertz
Sr. Director, Product Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 10-27-2017 08:53
From: Marten Hoekstra
Subject: Seperate scoring on fit and engagement using multiple scoresheets
Since the availability of multiple scoresheets it becomes possible to create a leadscoring model in which fit and engagement are not added up which was the case when having only one scoresheet. When added up you get a score but you have to add other criteria (minimum opened 6 emails / filled in two forms etc) when creating a segment containing the hot leads ready to deliver to sales / CRM.
Another way to solve this was to only fill in the engagement part in the scoresheet and use segmentation for the fit part. But that was still not an ideal way to work. Now every instance has 5 scoresheets available which means you could use one to fill in the fit and a seperate one to fill in the engagement. Using both scores you are able to divide your leads in to several buckets like below picture.
For every bucket you have to decide what the value is: Will the fit ever get score that makes the lead interesting? The score on fit will most of the times not grow. A lead will mostly fill in two to three forms. With progressive profiling you could enhance this process. Or you could use external sources to enrich the lead (for example clearbit or Fullcontact). But a competitor will stay a competitor.
How to utilize the use of seperate scoresheets for fit and engagement? In the Act-On templates they've created a main segment with sub segments based on leadscore dimensions: 0 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 40 and 40+.
With seperate scoringsheets you will do it the same way: by grouping scoring dimensions for fit and engagement in to a segment. For example A1: fit score = 40+ & engagement score = 40+. Next you can create a segment for leads with score A2 and B1 etc.
If anybody has some additions to this please add them. Having the functionality really enhances the product.
Marten Hoekstra
Stan and Stacy
Thanks for sharing this Marten. This is a very interesting twist on scoresheets.
I have always felt that scoring was a but like Churchill's famous saying (paraphrasing) 'Democracy sucks but its the best thing we have'. So scoring sucks but it is the best thing we have to act as a proxy for intent. Having mulled over scoring in past lives on different tools, never sure any of it aligns well.
We have been talking about changing our scoring in terms of the actual metric - trying to see if we need more or less scores depending on an action. Then when multiple score sheets came out, looked at it from the notion of creating different scoresheet by product (we sell about 5 categories of product - 10 if you count cloud versions of each category - and then within each category could have 1 to 4 different vendors and their product.) So trying to see whether it made sense to map to category, product or what?
So your idea is an eye-opener. A very different view on the world. So much more to think about but certainly a much more interesting view of how to make a score map better to buyer intent.
Love it.
PS From a community perspective, it is this kind of idea that is invaluable in raising the marketing game.
Paul McDevitt
Director, Marketing, Unity Connected Solutions
Original Message:
Sent: 10-27-2017 08:53
From: Marten Hoekstra
Subject: Seperate scoring on fit and engagement using multiple scoresheets
Since the availability of multiple scoresheets it becomes possible to create a leadscoring model in which fit and engagement are not added up which was the case when having only one scoresheet. When added up you get a score but you have to add other criteria (minimum opened 6 emails / filled in two forms etc) when creating a segment containing the hot leads ready to deliver to sales / CRM.
Another way to solve this was to only fill in the engagement part in the scoresheet and use segmentation for the fit part. But that was still not an ideal way to work. Now every instance has 5 scoresheets available which means you could use one to fill in the fit and a seperate one to fill in the engagement. Using both scores you are able to divide your leads in to several buckets like below picture.
For every bucket you have to decide what the value is: Will the fit ever get score that makes the lead interesting? The score on fit will most of the times not grow. A lead will mostly fill in two to three forms. With progressive profiling you could enhance this process. Or you could use external sources to enrich the lead (for example clearbit or Fullcontact). But a competitor will stay a competitor.
How to utilize the use of seperate scoresheets for fit and engagement? In the Act-On templates they've created a main segment with sub segments based on leadscore dimensions: 0 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 40 and 40+.
With seperate scoringsheets you will do it the same way: by grouping scoring dimensions for fit and engagement in to a segment. For example A1: fit score = 40+ & engagement score = 40+. Next you can create a segment for leads with score A2 and B1 etc.
If anybody has some additions to this please add them. Having the functionality really enhances the product.
Marten Hoekstra
Stan and Stacy
Record highest score achieved: If any of you are recording highest stage achieved on Opportunities, this is a similar idea where based on their highest engagement score achieved ever (not current score), you can structure re-engagement campaigns around these people. We do this by stamping the highest score into a Salesforce field with a workflow rule.
Rates of Aging: Act-On allows you to choose the timeframe to score which is awesome - but how about rates of degradation? Some activities you might want to linger longer as a positive indicator, and some shorter. For example, if it's a trade show booth visitor vs. online engagement. This might be trickier with Act-On, we use Salesforce rules on campaign membership level to degrade individually. I can imagine that you might use one scoresheet just for negative score to get at this.
Surging interest: No only is total score important, the rate of change in score can indicate sales readiness, especially when someone of long-term low engagement suddenly starts engaging. We record the difference between the score in the last 24 hours with current score as a percentage and use it as an indicator for the sales team.
Eileen Chow
Director, Demand Generation Operations, Evergage
Original Message:
Sent: 10-27-2017 08:53
From: Marten Hoekstra
Subject: Seperate scoring on fit and engagement using multiple scoresheets
Since the availability of multiple scoresheets it becomes possible to create a leadscoring model in which fit and engagement are not added up which was the case when having only one scoresheet. When added up you get a score but you have to add other criteria (minimum opened 6 emails / filled in two forms etc) when creating a segment containing the hot leads ready to deliver to sales / CRM.
Another way to solve this was to only fill in the engagement part in the scoresheet and use segmentation for the fit part. But that was still not an ideal way to work. Now every instance has 5 scoresheets available which means you could use one to fill in the fit and a seperate one to fill in the engagement. Using both scores you are able to divide your leads in to several buckets like below picture.
For every bucket you have to decide what the value is: Will the fit ever get score that makes the lead interesting? The score on fit will most of the times not grow. A lead will mostly fill in two to three forms. With progressive profiling you could enhance this process. Or you could use external sources to enrich the lead (for example clearbit or Fullcontact). But a competitor will stay a competitor.
How to utilize the use of seperate scoresheets for fit and engagement? In the Act-On templates they've created a main segment with sub segments based on leadscore dimensions: 0 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 40 and 40+.
With seperate scoringsheets you will do it the same way: by grouping scoring dimensions for fit and engagement in to a segment. For example A1: fit score = 40+ & engagement score = 40+. Next you can create a segment for leads with score A2 and B1 etc.
If anybody has some additions to this please add them. Having the functionality really enhances the product.
Marten Hoekstra
Stan and Stacy
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