Account Owners within SF

Tommy Sharp

Does anyone else feel that they would benefit from having the ability to run a report from an email that includes the lead/contacts Salesforce Account Owner? 

When seeing who has opened/clicked on an email it would be great to be able to filter this down further so we can pass it on to the specific sales member. 



Tommy Sharp

Tommy Sharp


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Robert Kohnke
    Hi @Tommy Sharp,

    This is EXTREMELY useful!

    Luckily, it is also completely doable within Act-On already.

    Given that you have Salesforce syncing into Act-On, there are only a few short steps to get you to where you want to be.

    1. Add the Owner information to your All Leads and All Contacts lists, so that it syncs when your lists do.

    2. As long as you are either using the All Lead/All Contacts, or better yet a Master List to send your emails from, the Downloaded Message report will include the Owner info, because it includes every field in the list that you sent the message to.

    I have created a detailed post regarding creating a CRM-specific Master List if you want to take a look there for further information.

    I hope this help, please let me know if there is anything else that I can do.

    Have a great day and Happy Marketing!

    Robert Kohnke
    Marketing Operations Strategist, Act-On Software, Inc.
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-16-2018 04:06
    From: Tommy Sharp
    Subject: Account Owners within SF


    Does anyone else feel that they would benefit from having the ability to run a report from an email that includes the lead/contacts Salesforce Account Owner?

    When seeing who has opened/clicked on an email it would be great to be able to filter this down further so we can pass it on to the specific sales member.



    Tommy Sharp

    Tommy Sharp

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