Using a variable sender in your email OR Using Personalized From
I know that I am FAR more likely to open an email from Bill, than I am from 'Marketing Team'... aren't you?
When an email comes from a person rather than a generic alias, the odds it will be opened drastically increase.
As usual, Act-On is here to help you personalize the email 'from' address - without lots of manual effort and duplicate copies of an email.
Let's say you have 30 different sales reps that you want to send your single email out 'from'. This is probably determined by a field in your CRM like, 'Account/Record Owner'. Normally, you would need to create 30 different copies of that message, one for each rep, and manually say that everyone owned by Bill, should be sent from BIll, etc. This requires 30 segments, 30 messages, 30 sends, and results in 30 Message reports - BLECH!!
There is a feature in Act-On that lets you get around all of that with a few simple steps. This is not a new feature, but it is a powerful feature I want to be sure to remind you of!
Enter - Personalized From.
This handy little feature lets you specify (on a list-by-list basis) what field in your list will contain the name and the email address of who you want this message to come from.
Let's take a look at this in action:
You have a list of 3,000 records. Your list has some standard info: First and Last name, Email, Company, etc. It also has a column for Record Owner, and one for the Record Owner's Email. These two columns are the key.
You get to tell Act-On, 'I want to use the 'Record Owner's Email' and the name in 'Record Owner' as the sending email address and 'from' name for each record in that list.
So, record 1 is owned by Bill Helperguy ( and record 2 is owned by Susan Star (
The email to record 1 would come 'from' with the from name showing, 'Bill Helperguy'.
It's just that easy!!
Once you have specified the field you want for the owner email and which for the owner name in a given list, all you have to do is choose the 'Personalized From' option on the Address tab of your message composer, and Act-On will do the rest!

With this magic time-saving tool, imagine how much more you can get done (and how much more engagement your emails are likely to get)!
Take it a step further and pair it with our in-message and in-subject line personalization showcased in this community post.
And keep an eye on feature requests like this one that seek to expand the personalized from feature even further!
Note: If you do not see Personalized From as an option in your sender list, reach out to our customer support or technical support so that we can enable that feature for you!
Have a great day and Happy Marketing!
Robert Kohnke
tester, Act-On Software, Inc.
Maybe it is good to mention that this functionality has to be activated by Act-On? This was the case with our instance.
Marten Hoekstra
Stan and Stacy | Inbound Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 06-03-2019 18:21
From: Robert Kohnke
Subject: Using a variable sender in your email OR Using Personalized From
I know that I am FAR more likely to open an email from Bill, than I am from 'Marketing Team'... aren't you?
When an email comes from a person rather than a generic alias, the odds it will be opened drastically increase.
As usual, Act-On is here to help you personalize the email 'from' address - without lots of manual effort and duplicate copies of an email.
Let's say you have 30 different sales reps that you want to send your single email out 'from'. This is probably determined by a field in your CRM like, 'Account/Record Owner'. Normally, you would need to create 30 different copies of that message, one for each rep, and manually say that everyone owned by Bill, should be sent from BIll, etc. This requires 30 segments, 30 messages, 30 sends, and results in 30 Message reports - BLECH!!
There is a feature in Act-On that lets you get around all of that with a few simple steps. This is not a new feature, but it is a powerful feature I want to be sure to remind you of!
Enter - Personalized From.
This handy little feature lets you specify (on a list-by-list basis) what field in your list will contain the name and the email address of who you want this message to come from.
Let's take a look at this in action:
You have a list of 3,000 records. Your list has some standard info: First and Last name, Email, Company, etc. It also has a column for Record Owner, and one for the Record Owner's Email. These two columns are the key.
You get to tell Act-On, 'I want to use the 'Record Owner's Email' and the name in 'Record Owner' as the sending email address and 'from' name for each record in that list.
So, record 1 is owned by Bill Helperguy ( and record 2 is owned by Susan Star (
The email to record 1 would come 'from' with the from name showing, 'Bill Helperguy'.
It's just that easy!!
Once you have specified the field you want for the owner email and which for the owner name in a given list, all you have to do is choose the 'Personalized From' option on the Address tab of your message composer, and Act-On will do the rest!
With this magic time-saving tool, imagine how much more you can get done (and how much more engagement your emails are likely to get)!
Take it a step further and pair it with our in-message and in-subject line personalization showcased in this community post.
And keep an eye on feature requests like this one that seek to expand the personalized from feature even further!
Have a great day and Happy Marketing!
Robert Kohnke
tester, Act-On Software, Inc.
Have a great day!
Robert Kohnke
tester, Act-On Software, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-05-2019 04:12
From: Marten Hoekstra
Subject: Using a variable sender in your email OR Using Personalized From
Maybe it is good to mention that this functionality has to be activated by Act-On? This was the case with our instance.
Marten Hoekstra
Stan and Stacy | Inbound Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 06-03-2019 18:21
From: Robert Kohnke
Subject: Using a variable sender in your email OR Using Personalized From
I know that I am FAR more likely to open an email from Bill, than I am from 'Marketing Team'... aren't you?
When an email comes from a person rather than a generic alias, the odds it will be opened drastically increase.
As usual, Act-On is here to help you personalize the email 'from' address - without lots of manual effort and duplicate copies of an email.
Let's say you have 30 different sales reps that you want to send your single email out 'from'. This is probably determined by a field in your CRM like, 'Account/Record Owner'. Normally, you would need to create 30 different copies of that message, one for each rep, and manually say that everyone owned by Bill, should be sent from BIll, etc. This requires 30 segments, 30 messages, 30 sends, and results in 30 Message reports - BLECH!!
There is a feature in Act-On that lets you get around all of that with a few simple steps. This is not a new feature, but it is a powerful feature I want to be sure to remind you of!
Enter - Personalized From.
This handy little feature lets you specify (on a list-by-list basis) what field in your list will contain the name and the email address of who you want this message to come from.
Let's take a look at this in action:
You have a list of 3,000 records. Your list has some standard info: First and Last name, Email, Company, etc. It also has a column for Record Owner, and one for the Record Owner's Email. These two columns are the key.
You get to tell Act-On, 'I want to use the 'Record Owner's Email' and the name in 'Record Owner' as the sending email address and 'from' name for each record in that list.
So, record 1 is owned by Bill Helperguy ( and record 2 is owned by Susan Star (
The email to record 1 would come 'from' with the from name showing, 'Bill Helperguy'.
It's just that easy!!
Once you have specified the field you want for the owner email and which for the owner name in a given list, all you have to do is choose the 'Personalized From' option on the Address tab of your message composer, and Act-On will do the rest!
With this magic time-saving tool, imagine how much more you can get done (and how much more engagement your emails are likely to get)!
Take it a step further and pair it with our in-message and in-subject line personalization showcased in this community post.
And keep an eye on feature requests like this one that seek to expand the personalized from feature even further!
Have a great day and Happy Marketing!
Robert Kohnke
tester, Act-On Software, Inc.
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