Act-On Hack: Implement source or referrer tracking in Act-On

Marten Hoekstra

At Stan & Stacy we are always looking if we can extend the functionality of Act-On. We call this internally "Act-On Hacking".

I want to share some of our "hacks" here which we think can benefit all Act-On users. Today the first one: Implement source or referrer tracking in Act-On.

Like all online marketers, you want to know where your website visitors initially came from. The so-called referrer URL or source. Google Analytics uses this data to determine the medium, source, and channel. Examples are:

  • Search engines
  • Links from other websites
  • Social media
  • Online ads
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Affiliate links

It is vital to know the source of your leads to determine which source delivers the best leads or most revenue. We call this referrer URL or source tracking, but this is currently not available in Act-On.

With this hack you wil be able to use source tracking in Act-On. You can read all details on how to implement it on

Our next hack will be about implementing Google Event Tracking in Act-On. Event tracking is a powerful method to track any action on a website other than a pageview. Examples are pdf downloads, link clicks, interactions with polls or calculators, video plays and even AJAX embedded elements.

Check our website to get notified when we post a new Act-On Hack!




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