Make it Personal

Robert Kohnke

It should come as no surprise that personalizing your emails will increase your engagement rates.

There are uncountable stats, reports, and blog posts that can lend credence to this statement.

For example, this post by Salesforce stating, among other things, that 'If they get personalized offers or discounts, 63% of Millennials, 58% of Gen Xers, and 46% of Baby Boomers are willing to share personal information with companies.'

So, how can we make that happen in Act-On?

Act-On makes it easy with the Insert Personalization option in the message composer -

With this handy tool, you can insert a large variety of fields from your Standard Field names or the list you are sending your message to.

But... that's the easy part!

The real power comes in with Default personalization. This will keep your messages from being suppressed when someone is missing your personalization field.

You also do not need to use the button each time you want to add personalization - you can type it in directly to the WYSIWYG editor or the HTML block.

Here is the format for using Default personalization:  {{={{First Name}}|Insert Default Here}}

You start with two opening brackets and an equals sign:  {{=

Next, we put the first, standard personalization (with its associated brackets): {{First Name}}

Then, put a vertical bar to separate your personalization from the default value:  |

Lastly, insert your default text (what you want to appear if the personalization field is empty for that recipient) and close your brackets: Insert Default Here}}


First Name is a tricky field to work with for defaults - as usually you want either there name or nothing (I know I hate 'Hi Friend,' in my email….)

In this case, the 'default' would be a space. Here is what that would look like:

{{={{First Name}}| }}

  • Note the blank space after the vertical bar

That's it!

Now, you can create personalizations to your heart's content.

REMEMBER: Personalization pulls from the list you are sending your message to, so make sure to check your personalization before sending!

Have a great day and Happy Marketing!

Robert Kohnke
Marketing Operations Strategist, Act-On Software, Inc.



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