Act-On Alerts
At the moment I have around 10,000 contacts and I am adding the alert manually (long slow laborious process)
IS there are way to import all contact and create an alert email for all of them
Or is there a simpler way to be alerted when a contact email address goes onto your website
Leslie Tomlinson
Global Affiliates Manager, Cliftons
1 comment
If I understand you correctly, you want to receive an email alert when one of your ~10,000 contacts visits your website.
If that is the case, you are in luck!
You will want to use the Website Prospector Alerts section of Inbound.
This allows you to receive email alerts when someone visits any, or a set of specific pages.
If you want an alert anytime someone visits ANY page on your site, I would suggest using the If Web Page is Domains (see screenshot above) so that you can select your entire domain.
Note: The domain options are populated based on your Domain Filters that you have configured under Inbound > Website Prospector > More > Domains...
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Have a great day and Happy Marketing!
Robert Kohnke
Marketing Operations Strategist, Act-On Software, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 10-25-2018 21:14
From: Leslie Tomlinson
Subject: Act-On Alerts
I want to create alerts for when a contact/prospect goes onto my website
At the moment I have around 10,000 contacts and I am adding the alert manually (long slow laborious process)
IS there are way to import all contact and create an alert email for all of them
Or is there a simpler way to be alerted when a contact email address goes onto your website
Leslie Tomlinson
Global Affiliates Manager, Cliftons
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