Automated Program Based on Click or Page Visited

Kate Bluhm
Hello Everyone,

What is the best way in Act-On to setup an automated program where prospects are entered into that program if they click on a specific link or visit specific urls?  

Thank you,


Eric Brende
Audigy Group


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Robert Kohnke
    Hi @Kate Bluhm

    To get your Automated Program to pull in based on specific criteria, you will want the source list to be a segment that meets that criteria.

    Here is our guide on creating your segments - you are able to choose a specific selection of URLs as part of the segmentation.

    As for segmenting on a specific link click, here is a guide I wrote in the community that describes that process.

    That should get you where you need to be!

    If you need any help, please let me know.

    Have a great day and Happy Marketing!

    Robert Kohnke
    Marketing Operations Strategist, Act-On Software, Inc.
    Original Message:
    Sent: 11-26-2018 17:47
    From: Kate Bluhm
    Subject: Automated Program Based on Click or Page Visited

    Hello Everyone,

    What is the best way in Act-On to setup an automated program where prospects are entered into that program if they click on a specific link or visit specific urls?

    Thank you,


    Eric Brende
    Audigy Group

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