Newsletter Content - Expandable/Collapsible
Heidi Ling
Process Analyst, Target Corporation
<%= block.description %>
<% } %><%= block.description %>
<% } %><%= block.description %>
<% } %>
1 comment
Act-On does not have a native feature that allows the creation of collapsible/expandable sections in email or the landing page editor.
It IS technically possible to manually code a feature like this in your emails but it is in no way simple, nor for the faint of heart.
1. Most email clients will need separate CSS code to create this (Outlook, Gmail, and iOS all respond rather differently)
2. The usual (and easiest method) of creating collapsible headings is to use JavaScript/JQuery - which is not supported in emails (not just Act-On, but any emails)
3. While I have not had the time to invest in fully testing this ability, I do have a few external resources that you could use to get started if you are so inclined.
Note: To use the CSS, you will need to create custom Stationery.
Here are some starting points:
I hope this helps.
Have a great day and Happy Marketing!
Robert Kohnke
Marketing Operations Strategist, Act-On Software, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 11-29-2018 10:12
From: Heidi Ling
Subject: Newsletter Content - Expandable/Collapsible
Does Act-On allow you to create blocks within a newsletter which are expandable or collapsible? I have a LOT of content and don't want to lose readers when scrolling.
Heidi Ling
Process Analyst, Target Corporation
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