New GDPR FAQs available
View the article here: GDPR FAQs
This page covers many questions we have heard from customers. Please review it to get the most current information.
If you have further questions not answered in the FAQs, you can contact us at Please be aware that we cannot provide legal advice, so we may not be able to answer every question.
We encourage you to continue posting privacy and compliance discussions here in the community – it's a great way to share best practices with your marketing peers.
The Team at Act-On
1 comment
One thing which isn't covered here (and which a lot of people are discussing in the forums) is the lack of a compliant Agree/Decline cookie message for the non-standard options in Beacon Tracker.
When will this be addressed - or will it? Many of us are being forced to use third party options, which are not ideal, given that Act-on should have this by default
Vicky Hawkes
Digital Content Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 05-24-2018 14:32
From: Act-On Admin
Subject: New GDPR FAQs available
Our team has compiled important GDPR information and posted it in the Act-On University.
View the article here: GDPR FAQs
This page covers many questions we have heard from customers. Please review it to get the most current information.
If you have further questions not answered in the FAQs, you can contact us at Please be aware that we cannot provide legal advice, so we may not be able to answer every question.
We encourage you to continue posting privacy and compliance discussions here in the community – it's a great way to share best practices with your marketing peers.
The Team at Act-On
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