Adding Google Tag Manager to Landing Pages

  • Updated

Once you have your Google Tag Manager (GTM) account and tags set up, you need to copy the embed code to add GTM to your individual Act-On Landing Pages. This is necessary for any kind of GTM tracking, including managing cookie consent on your pages.


  1. Copy your GTM tracking code.
    • There will be two sections: one for page head and one for page body.

  2. Go to Content > Landing Pages, find the Landing Page you want, hover over it and  to edit.

  3. From the right-side panel in the Design tab, click Edit JavaScript:


  4. Add the head portion of your GTM container code to the text box, then click OK.

  5. Insert a custom content block at the top of the Landing Page.

  6. In the Edit Custom Content panel, paste the body portion of your GTM container code.

  7. If you are using GTM for cookie management, select Edit Page Properties and enable Don’t Cookie Visitors:



  8. Save your Landing Page. 

You're all done! Remember to repeat these steps for any other Landing Pages that you'd like to track with GTM.


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