Enabling e-Commerce for Classic Forms

  • Updated

Disclaimer: This article relates to Classic Forms, a legacy feature unavailable for new accounts. If you need information on using Act-On Forms, see Forms Composer User Guide.

You can enable e-commerce on Act-On Classic Forms to collect payments using your PayPal, First Data, or Authorize.net account. After finishing the payment process and submitting your Form, users will be redirected to your Form's response page.

Heads up! Act-On will only capture submissions if users click the "Payment Complete" button to redirect back to your Form after making a payment. Otherwise, it may appear as if your Form has no submissions.


When to Use E-Commerce in Act-On Forms

Supported Uses

  • Payment to attend webinars, tradeshows, etc.
  • Payment to access content including e-books, whitepapers, products, services, etc.

Unsupported Uses

  • Storefront web purchases (Act-On cannot include shipping or taxes)
  • Discounts
  • Coupon codes


  1. Go to Content > Forms and in the Forms tab at the top left, under Form Type, select the filter Classic Forms.

  2. In the Form Manager on the left, use the filters, folders, and tags to find the Classic Form you want.

  3. In the list, hover over the Form and click View report:


  4. In the Form Report, at the top left, click the Details tab, and under Additional Settings & Reports, in  Enable Payments, click Edit Settings:


  5. Check the box for Enable Credit Card Payments For This Form.

  6. Under Set Up Your Credit Card Processor, select one of the following to receive and process payments for your Form:
    • PayPal
    • Authorize.net
    • First Data

  7. Enter the login and setup information required by your selected payment processor.

  8. Enter a "Payment Complete" Button Label, which your users will click to return to your Form
    • This button will appear on the page where users submit payment information

  9. Under Define Basic Price, enter the Basic Price To Be Charged for your Form's gated content and the description that will appear on your customer's bill.

  10. If your Form contains any Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, or Drop Lists with additional options available to purchase, you can define the price for these. For each additional option field:
    • Check the block to display each individual option
    • In the field next to each option block, enter the price for that option

  11. At the top right, click Save.

Tip! HTTPS is required to enable e-commerce for your Forms. Most accounts will have completed this during their required technical setup. If you still need to configure this, Act-On can provide SSL certificates for custom marketing domains at no additional cost. Learn more about adding custom marketing domains with an SSL certificate.



Why is there an error when PayPal redirects users to my Form?

Paypal uses Auto Returns to redirect customers back to your Form immediately after clicking the Pay button. When redirecting this way, the URL will miss the proper account ID and your customer may see the following error:

OOPS - The page you requested could not be found.

You'll need to turn this off in PayPal so that customers will redirect to Act-On correctly.

Test Your PayPal-Enabled Form

You can test your PayPal-enabled Form without actually making a real payment using the PayPal Sandbox. Using your existing PayPal account, create a Sandbox test account. Once you've finished testing in the Sandbox, don't forget to go back to your production PayPal account.

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