Sending or Suppressing a List or Segment in an Email

  • Updated

Choose one or more lists, segments, & even individual contacts from within a list or segment, to send the email to or not (suppress).

You can send and suppress multiple lists & segments. This protects you from sending an email to a contact on a suppressed list who is also included on a recipient list. List choices include: Account lists, Act-On Contacts, Marketing lists, Signup lists, Webinar lists, & all segments of those lists

Send To & Suppress Against One or More Lists/Segments

In the Email Composer:

  1. Open the email or email template you want, or create a new one.
  2. In the Send Details tab, add Recipients & Suppression as explained here.

For legacy emails:

  1. Open the legacy email you want.
  2. On the Address tab, under Recipients, click Choose Lists or Segments.
  3. Select the lists/segments to send to & click click Submit.
  4. Under Suppress Against, click Choose Suppressions.
  5. Select the lists/segments to suppress & click Submit

Suppress Duplicates

Act-On automatically suppresses all contacts in your Opt-Out, Hard Bounces, Spam Complaints, and Email Suppression Domains lists, as well as duplicates. If duplicate suppression is not desired, uncheck the Suppress Duplicates at the top of the screen.


Assuming that store contacts are in separate lists/segments, by state, with segments for major cities, and you want to send a message to all your contacts in Texas except the ones in Dallas and all the contacts in Oklahoma except the ones in Tulsa. 

  • Under Recipients, select the lists/segments for Texas and Oklahoma contacts.
  • Under Suppression (Suppress Against, for legacy emails) select the segments for Dallas & Tulsa to suppress.


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