The SMS Report

  • Updated

The SMS message report provides performance reporting on your sent SMS messages. 

Access the report

  1. Go to SMS > Messages > Sent Messages
  2. Click on the title of a sent message to access the report

Report sections

The report has two main sections:

  1. Metrics & Charts
  2. Summaries & Details


Metrics & Charts

Metrics and charts section is divided into multiple pages accessed by clicking on the metric-specific tabs/tiles on the top of the page.


Report Tab Contents


All metrics and a summary chart for the SMS Message


Chart showing delivered and average delivery rate across all SMS sends.

Table showing send status per recipient. 


Chart showing clickthroughs and the average click rate across all SMS sends.


Table showing recipients who clicked on a link in the message.


Chart showing SMS replies and the average reply rate across all SMS sends.

Table showing recipients who replied to the message, including the text of the reply.


Chart showing failed reasons.

Table showing recipients who did not receive the messages due to delivery failure.


Chart showing opted-out and average opted-out rate across all SMS sends.

Table showing recipients who opted out after receiving the message.




Count of unique recipients (mobile phone numbers) included in the send.

Matches the Total Recipients count in the message details.


Count of unique recipients that did not receive the sent message. This is usually due to the mobile carrier blocking the message.


Count of unique recipients who received the message. 

Calculated as (# Sent - # Failed).


Count of unique recipients who clicked on a link in the message.

The link must be an Act-On short URL and click tracking must be enabled.


Count of unique recipients who replied to the message.


Count of unique recipients who opted out after receiving the message (i.e. replied with “STOP”).

Total Clicks

Count of total clicks on a message link.

May include multiple clicks by the same recipients.

Total Replies

Count of total replies to the message.

May include multiple replies by the same recipients.



Failed Rate

Failed / Sent *100

Delivered Rate

Delivered / Sent *100

Clicked Rate

Clicked / Delivered *100

Replied Rate

Replied / Delivered *100

Opted-Out Rate

Opted-Out / Delivered *100


Summaries & Details

In the right side panel, you will first see the text of the message that you sent. Below this are details and summaries about the message Sender, Recipients, and Credits.

Section Contents

Message Details

Sent By {User Name}

Sent on {Sent Date and Time}

Recipient Lists

All Marketing Lists and Segments selected for this SMS Message

Recipient Summary

A line-by-line breakdown of the calculation of Total Recipients

Credit Summary

A breakdown of Messages Sent and Credits per message, which determine the total Credits charged.

Note that Credits per message is a multiplier.


Recipient Lists


Per list count of contacts in selected lists


Recipient Summary

Selected Recipients

Sum of contacts from selected lists

Recipients w/o phone

Count of contacts who don’t have a phone number in the selected lists

Recipients not opted in

Count of contacts who are not opted in to receive SMS


Count of duplicate mobile phone numbers in selected lists

Total Recipients

Count of recipients included in the message send 

Equals the “Sent” metric


Credit Summary

Messages sent

Count of SMS messages that were sent

Credits per message

Count of credits used per message. 

1 credit = 1 message

1 message = Up to 160 characters

Credits charged

Total cost of the message in SMS credits

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