Creating a Segment of Act-On Contacts with Specific Behaviors

  • Updated


You can create a segment in Act-On in a variety of ways. One of the ways is to locate all contacts that have interacted in a specific way with your Act-On marketing campaigns.

For example, you can create a new segment based on individuals in your Act-On Contacts who have clicked on at least five emails within the past 14 days.

  1. Create a new segment or sub-segment.
  2. Select Query from the Method drop-down and choose Behavior from the list of criteria:
    Creating a Segment of Act-On Contacts with Specific Behaviors 01.png

  3. Choose the timeframe during which the behaviors you want to define occurred. This timeframe can be specified in terms of days, particular months, or any past occurrences.
  4. Click the drop-down with the list of all tracked behaviors to select the desired one.
  5. Set the 'frequency' options:
    • None – include contacts who do not have the specified behavior.
    • At Least This Many – include contacts who have N or more occurrences of the specified behavior.
    • At Most This Many – includes contacts who have N or fewer occurrences of the specified behavior.
    • Each of These Specific Ones – includes contacts who have engaged in the specified behavior with all of the selected items.
    • Some of These – include contacts who have engaged in the specified behavior with one or more of the selected items.
    • None of These – include contacts who have not engaged in the specified behavior with any of the selected items.
    • All of These – include contacts who have engaged in all of the specified behaviors of the selected items.

For example, you might create a segment of contacts who viewed a form at least twice but didn't submit one or contacts who 'received' (were sent) a message and opened it but didn't click a link in the message.

To create a new segment based on a specific overall behavior score:

  1. When adding criteria, select Score and Overall Behavior Score in the drop-down menus.
  2. Specify the score you want to test for (At Least or At Most).
    • Note that this option is available only if you've set up a score field in Data Management. If connected to a CRM, see instructions for Data Management here, otherwise refer to this article.
  3. Click Create.

Any contact in the Act-On Contacts list that shows the specified behaviors or behavior score within the specified time period will be included in the new segment. Examine the segment to verify that your selection criteria produce the desired list.

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