Editing a Running Funnel Report

  • Updated

Once your Act-On marketing funnel reports are running, you have the ability to edit and customize the stages even further.

Follow the steps below to edit your funnel report(s):

  1. Hover over Reports, click Marketing Funnels.
  2. Hover over the appropriate funnel, and click the green down-arrow.
  3. Click Edit.

After the funnel is activated, you can edit some of its elements but not others. Any modifications to existing stage definitions are not retroactive (i.e., they will only reflect in the report from the change date onward).

  • Editable in running funnels – Funnel and stage names and descriptions, stage criteria, and stage data fields can be changed in running funnels.
  • Not editable in running funnels – Contact lists and list prioritization, stage population, and stage 'applies to' values cannot be changed in running or archived funnels. Funnel stages cannot be added, deleted, or re-ordered in running funnels.

Your marketing funnel reports can also be archived by following the steps below:

  1. Hover over Reports, and click Marketing Funnels.
  2. Hover over the appropriate funnel, click the green down-arrow, and click Archive.

Archived funnels cannot be re-initialized or edited. Keep in mind, archived funnels no longer collect new data, but they continue to display in the Funnels listing. You can view the reports of archived funnels, or delete them, by hovering and selecting Report or Delete from the drop-down menu.

In addition, you also have the ability to copy a funnel:

  1. Hover over Reports, and click Marketing Funnels.
  2. Hover over the appropriate funnel, click the green down-arrow, and click Copy.

A new draft funnel will be created with the same attributes as the copied funnel (just the name will be different -- appended with the word 'copy'). The copied funnel will contain no data, but you can then edit the copy to adjust its definition as desired.

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