Learn to navigate the funnel report view Identify the various options available in the funnel report view.
View the Act-On marketing funnel reports that are running or archived by clicking the funnel name in the Funnels listing, or by hovering over the funnel and clicking Report from the drop-down menu.
You can navigate around and view the funnel report for the chosen time period, compare with past periods, set additional options, and download the report.
- Pick a time period – View the final reports for various periods in the past. Current periods such as month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date are updated frequently. Future version of the report will include a custom date range picker.
- Compare time periods – Check the Compare with another time period checkbox and select the desired two periods to compare funnels for the chosen period's side by side.
- Download the report by clicking the Download button – After clicking Download, you can choose to a) download an overview Excel spreadsheet that matches the options currently visible in the on-screen report, or b) download a CSV file of any desired funnel stage within the chosen time period. The funnel stage CSV drill-down contains all the unique contacts who entered the stage in the chosen calendar period, and the data fields defined for the stage are included as data columns in the CSV.
- Refresh the report data – Press this button to ensure the most current data has been included in the reporting time periods for 'Month (until now),' 'Year (until now),' and 'All Time.' This refresh button does not trigger a 'sync now' of the CRM data -- this is accomplished in the CRM Settings page.
Click the Options button in the funnel report to set the following:
- Show Deals/Revenue in chosen stages – For funnel stages where the definition criteria applies to CRM data, you may optionally display deals and revenues in the funnel report. You may want to show deals and revenues for stages in your funnel after opportunity creation -- to report on revenue pipeline creation and closed revenue creation, for example. In the Options window, click the checkbox under the Deals/Revenues column for the desired stages. Note, only stages where the definition criteria applies to the CRM will have this option available.
- Show velocity – When a contact moves from one stage to the stage immediately below it, the transition time is recorded. To view the average time for stage transitions that occurred within the chosen time period, check the Show Velocity checkbox in the Options window.
- Limit contacts to latest stage only – A contact will become a member of more than one stage in the chosen calendar period if it meets the criteria for more than one stage. You can limit the report to count only the most recent stage the contact entered by checking the Limit contacts to latest stage only checkbox in the Options window.
- Filter the report – Click the checkbox Filter the funnel results to filter the resulting reports by the data fields you chose in the Funnel Editor > Reporting Fields (e.g., lead source, product line, job title, etc.). You can combine criteria rows by 'ANDing' (all criteria rows must be true to meet the criteria), 'ORing' (any criteria row must be true to meet the criteria), or Custom to use advanced Boolean logical expressions of nested combinations of ANDs ORs (see above in the 'Set the Criteria' section for description of combining expressions with custom logic).