Lead Scoring Rules Overview

  • Updated

Act-On's Lead Scoring Rules feature is a powerful tool to define and measure your marketing funnel.

For a detailed setup guide, see Start a Lead Scoring System.

There are generally three ways to score your leads: by their profile data, by standard behavior that is tracked in Act-On, or by custom events.

Profile Rules

Here, you can add lead score points based on fields from your lists. This works similarly to list segments.

When adding a profile condition, options include:

  • Contact Field
  • Condition (logic used to check the field)
  • Criteria (a value that the rule looks for)


Behavior Rules

You can define certain actions that indicate that contacts are closer to buying, then assign point values based on how significant they are to your specific sales process. Rule types include: Was sent/Opened/Clicked messages; Viewed/Submitted forms; Downloaded media files; etc.

There are three types of behavior rules that you can use:

Default Behavior Rules

These are the standard activities that are tracked within Act-On. They appear at the top of your Activity scoring section. A contact will receive the designated score points every time they complete this action. 


Custom Touch Point Rules

When you upload external marketing activities via the Custom Touch Points feature, these will appear in your scoring rules, allowing you to assign points to these actions.

Asset-Specific Rules

Click the plus icon below your scoring rules to add a rule based on one or more particular assets (forms, landing pages, messages, etc.). A contact will receive the designated score points when they complete this action the first time per asset. Repeat opens of the same message, submits of the same form, etc. do not add to that contact's score.


Multiple Score Sheets

Multiple Score Sheets allow you to create up to 4 additional scoring sheets that can be used to expand your scoring model. Multiple Score Sheets let you customize your lead scoring rules for different teams, regions/geography, products/divisions, customers vs prospects, or any other ways that your marketing efforts can be broken down.

To create an additional score sheet, click the plus icon at the top of the Scoring Rules page. Adding scoring rules to your new sheet works the same as for your default sheet. If you want to sync your secondary lead scores to your Act-On lists or your CRM, you will need to build a process to do so using segmentation and list maintenance programs for each sheet. In short, you build a segment of contacts with a secondary lead score within the desired range, then set your list maintenance program to copy that score value to your intended list.

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