Merging Data and Exports in Data Studio

  • Updated

Data Studio has the ability to create a package of exports and merge data sets together into one table. Data is unformatted and does not include charts or other visualizations by default.

  1. Select the Exports tab and create the exports that you would like to merge together into one package.
  2. Navigate to the Packages tab and click the New Packages button.
  3. In Step One, name your package and select the exports you would like to merge. Adding a description is optional.
  4. In Step Two, select how you would like to combine your exports: Disjoint CSV Files in a ZIP Archive or One Merged CSV file.


Disjoint CSV Files in a ZIP Archive

This option will create a package of selected export in a compressed ZIP file.

  1. In Step Three, specify the schedule for your export's download: On Demand, Daily or Weekly, or Monthly.
  2. In Step Four, specify your delivery options with a destination, file name, and whether or not you would like notification via email.
  3. Select Finish to create your package.

One Merged CSV File

This option will combine your selected exports into a table based on a set of fields.

Note: Data Studio is unable to join detailed, aggregated, and summarized exports into a single merged package. Please select either detailed, aggregated, and summarized exports only if you would like to join your exports together into one merged file.

If you would like to merge detailed, aggregated, and summarized exports together, you may create a package using the Disjoint CSV Files in a Zip Archive option and merge your separate CSV files in a BI tool, such as Excel.

  1. In Step Two, define your first mapped column. Selecting Quick allows you to quickly add columns or add All of the above. Selecting Custom allows you to create a new, customized column by adding the name and the mapping of your exported source.
  2. In Step Four, specify your delivery options with a destination, file name, and whether or not you would like notification via email.
  3. Select Finish to create your package.

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