On occasion, it can be difficult to keep track of all the marketing activities that have occurred or are scheduled. To help keep you organized, your Act-On account can provide you with a snapshot of all your marketing activities within the Marketing Calendar page.
This page shows all previously sent messages, scheduled messages, and webinars (via the integration with WebEx Event Center, Citrix GoToWebinar, and Zoom).
Clicking on any of your marketing activities will provide greater detail of the activity - things like a preview, links, share channels, event details, etc.
View the Marketing Calendar
- Click on Automation.
- Click Marketing Calendar.
- Click the arrows to navigate to different calendar months, and view activities within other months.
- Click Color Key to view the Act-On marketing campaigns.
Add an Event
- Click the + icon (top right).
- Add a Title, choose a Category for the event, and add a Description.
- Choose the Campaign you are using and select the time for the event.
Change the Marketing Calendar view
Click the Calendar icon (top right) to choose between a Day, Week, or Month view into your calendar.
Filtering Events
Click the Filter icon to filter your marketing calendar events. You can filter by Users, User Type, Categories, Campaigns, and Tags.
Marketing Calendar Settings
- Click the Gear icon to bring up the available marketing calendar settings.
- Click Manage Categories to add/delete your available categories.
- Click Export for Google to download your marketing calendar. This can then be uploaded into your Google Calendar.
- Click Time Zone to set your calendar time zone.