Create in CRM Step - Salesforce

  • Updated

Push highly qualified leads to Salesforce based on lead score qualification with the Create in CRM step in Automated ProgramsYou can also create Account, Opportunity, & Opportunity Contact roles, create tasks & activities for the Sales Team to follow up, & create Opportunities from Forms or lists where the lead/contact has explicitly expressed interest in doing business with your Organization.

Use Cases:

  • Add new Act-On records into as new leads and assign them to an Owner or a Lead Queue.
  • Push members to a Salesforce Campaign with the desired Campaign member status.
  • Create highly qualified leads in based on lead score qualification and/or create Account, Opportunity, and Opportunity Contact roles.
  • Create tasks and activities for the Sales Team to follow up.
  • Create Opportunities from forms or lists where the lead/contact has explicitly expressed interest in doing business with your Organization.
  • Add notes to records with to document interactions that have occurred.
  • Create calendar events in Salesforce for a scheduled meeting or conference call.
When using multiple Create in CRM steps in a single program, add a "Wait" step between them to ensure the first step is completed before additional changes are sent to Salesforce. Otherwise, some contact updates can occur out of order.

Select Actions

When adding a Create in CRM step to an Automated Program, select what you want the step to do:

  • Create new records
  • Update existing records
  • Add entities

Create New Records

Create new records based on the email address as new Contacts or Leads. You also have the option to Create a new record every time, allowing duplicates to be created:

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The data pushed from this step will include any list fields that have matching fields in Salesforce. For instance, if First Name is in your list it will push that value to the First Name field in Salesforce. It is important to make sure that the source list field names are mapped to your standard CRM field names. Click here for more information on Standard Field names.

In addition, you can add fields that may not be present on your list. When clicking on Add field to set on new records, you can select a field from your Salesforce field names to include in this step. For instance, you may want to add information containing the lead source, even though the lead source field is not in your list. Click Add field to set on new records, and choose Lead Source to select the appropriate lead source value:

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+ Add Field to set on new records allows you to select any field pulled in from your Data Management to add to this new record in Once a field is added, you can select the corresponding value for that field.

Lead creation notes:
Some fields can be added upon the creation of the new lead. Please be sure to include any fields in this step or in your list that you require to create a lead within Salesforce. Upon creation of a new lead/contact, you can assign an Owner, however, you are not able to re-assign an existing record to a different owner. If you are using Salesforce queues, you can set the owner to a lead queue.
The ‘Add field’ option under ‘Push new records as…’ does not apply to the ‘update existing records’ selector.

Update Existing Records

This option is best used if there is a Change Field step before the Create in CRM step so that existing records are updated once the field value is changed. Refrain from using the Push to Salesforce option in the prior Edit Field step when used in conjunction with the Create-in-CRM step.

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When selecting Update existing records, you have the option to update Salesforce with the data in your list. The data pushed from this step will include any data from list fields that have matching fields in Salesforce. For instance, if First Name is in your list it will push that value to the First Name field in Salesforce. It is important to make sure that the fields in your list match your Standard Field Names. Click here for more information on Standard Field names.

You also have the option to Update when multiple matches are found in CRM. If your Salesforce environment contains duplicates, checking this box will update the information for each duplicate record. If the option is not checked and duplicates are present the records will not be updated, but any additional entities (see below) will still be created.

If you prefer to not update all fields from your list in Salesforce, you can select Follow list’s Push policy. This will allow you to select specific fields in your list to update in your CRM.

If your source is Act-On Contacts, the push policy is defined in Settings > Data Management. Check Allow Push for any field that you want to be able to update on an existing contact.

If your source is a Marketing list, you will need to enable this on your source list.

Save the Automated program and follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your source list under Contacts.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to that list.
  3. Choose Import/Export > Push to
  4. Enable the Push to Salesforce checkbox.
  5. Enable the Update existing records option:

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  1. Click Select Push-Update Fields.
  2. Identify which fields the Act-On form will be able to update in Salesforce.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Save.

There is no need to schedule or run now. Simply select the fields and save. The automated program step will then look at these settings upon the push when that step is initiated.

Add Entities

+Add Entity allows you to add any of the following:

  • Campaign Members to a specific Salesforce Campaign
  • Event
  • Task
  • Opportunity
  • Account
  • Note
  • Opportunity Contact Role

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When adding a Campaign Member (lead/contact) to a Salesforce Campaign, you select the Campaign ID from the dropdown along with the corresponding campaign member status by clicking on Add Field:

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Create an Event calendar in Salesforce for a scheduled meeting or conference call. Creating an event allows you to select an owner, and set a start date/time, subject, duration, etc. You can also add fields to repeat, set reminders, provide meeting locations, etc:

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When assigning a Task, you can give the task a status, a priority, and assign it to an owner. You can also add fields to include a start/end date, a description, or a recurrence. The task could be assigned to a specific Owner or to the Owner that owns the lead/contact record in Salesforce:

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When using queues, you cannot use the Use Owner from Leads/Contacts (as shown above) because you cannot assign a task in Salesforce to a queue.

The Opportunity object within Salesforce allows you to populate data for every deal you are tracking, such as close date, stage, and amount. With this step, you can create Opportunities from forms or lists where the lead/contact has explicitly expressed interest in doing business with your Organization. You can also add fields such as opportunity stage, amount, lead source, and/or probability.

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You must also add the entity OpportunityContactRole or the opportunity will not be associated with the Lead/Contact:

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When using queues, you cannot use the ‘Use Owner from Leads/Contacts’ because you cannot assign an Opportunity in Salesforce to a queue.

More information is available in the Salesforce help.

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