Account Based Marketing

  • Updated
Act-On's Account Based Marketing (ABM) features help you deliver deep, personalized engagements for specific accounts.

Instead of specifically marketing and targeting individual Leads or Contacts, account based marketers are focused on optimizing the quality of their engagement with Accounts and Opportunities.

ABM helps you:

  • Link buyer behavior + data across contacts for a single account view
  • Create account-centric campaigns to enhance the impact or your nurture strategy
  • Score accounts for prioritization and product matching
  • Deliver targeted messaging to an account, ensuring content is highly relevant based on the contact’s role

Included Features


Please note:

Account Based Marketing is an add-on package with an additional cost. Please contact your Account Manager for more information.

Currently, ABM can only be added to Enterprise or Professional accounts with an active integration with Salesforce, Zendesk Sell, Microsoft Dynamics, SugarCRM, or Netsuite.


Check Your Account Name Field

ABM features are centered around the Account Name field in your CRM. Ensure that this field is set up and filled in on the CRM side, and that it is present in your lists and reports that sync to Act-On.

Create a Recurring CRM Sync

To get started, navigate to Contacts > Accounts.

When you first visit the Accounts page, the application checks to see if you have properly configured a sync via the Data Management page. If you have not yet set up a recurring sync navigate to Settings > Data Management to set the frequency of synchronization to populate your CRM data.

When you land back on the Accounts Dashboard a popup will appear where you will define which list contains your CRM Contacts and the field in that list which contains the desired lead score. If you have not already done so, you will need to create a List Maintenance Program which writes the contact’s score to the configured list and selected score field periodically. This score can be based on the same, Default score sheet used for segmentation or you may choose to create a separate score sheet for the purpose of account scoring which is used in the program which writes the score to the contact record.

Finally, you will select the method used to combine contact scores to produce the roll-up account score. Once completed, the Account Score will now be visible in the account listings and in the Account Report.

Once Completed, these settings can be accessed via the Actions drop-down next to the All Accounts default account group at the top of the list from in the Accounts Dashboard.

Feature Details

The Accounts Dashboard

Navigating to Contacts > Accounts will open the Accounts Dashboard. In ABM, you will work with Groups of accounts which function similarly to the segments of contacts you are likely familiar with. By default, Act-On creates an “All Accounts” group. This group contains all of the accounts which have been synced with Act-On and from the dashboard, you can see the number of accounts contacts associated to accounts. Once you define additional Account Groups, they will be displayed and managed from the Accounts Dashboard.

The actions drop-down menu allows you to dive in and view the underlying accounts, create a new group of accounts, manage the email list and score field or otherwise manage (edit, delete or email to) an Account Group.

Once an Account Group is selected, you can select View Accounts from the action menu to see a list of all of the accounts that the group contains. This list displays the account name, the number of contacts, the cumulative score for the account and provides a number of options for interacting with the account from the actions menu.

From the list view, one or more accounts can be selected and emailed simultaneously in order to send an email to all contacts at one or more accounts via the email button in the top right. This action triggers the Message Composer where you can select from templates, previously sent messages, or start from scratch as usual.

From this or any other page in the Accounts section, you can click the back button on their browser or use the Left Arrow button in the top right to return to the previous page.

When you select Contacts from the drop-down on an Account in the list, you will be presented with a list of the Contacts which are currently associated with that account along with their Title and Score. Furthermore, one or more contacts can be selected and emailed just as Accounts could be in the previous screen. In the Actions menu, a single contact can be sent an email as above or you can view their Contact Report.



Account Report

The Account Report combines the data from Act-On and your synced CRM to provide a cumulative view of all Leads and Contacts associated with an Account record. For more information on the Account Report please see the associated article.


Account Groups

Accounts can be grouped based on CRM attributes in a similar way to how contacts are segmented. Appropriately grouped accounts makes it easy to create targeted engagements with accounts in the same industry, sales territory, or profile (revenue, size, etc.).

  1. Click New Group in the upper right corner of the Accounts Dashboard
  2. Add a Filter Name, then begin creating filters based on and/or logic. For example: Software companies in California that were added to your list after x date
  3. Click Save

You may now view the Account Group, view individual accounts in that group, their account reports, or even send a targeted email to contacts in the entire group.


Send a Message to a Group

From the group list view, one or more Accounts can be selected and emailed simultaneously in order to send an email to all contacts at the selected accounts via the email button in the top right. This action triggers the Message Composer where you can select from templates, previously sent messages, or start from scratch as usual.

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