Create Custom Email Footers

  • Updated

Act-On includes a default Email Footer in your messages. Most marketers will want to customize this to match your branding.

Footer Contents

The email marketing industry uses footers to provide contacts with legal disclosures and basic information necessary for compliance with regulations such as CAN-SPAM. Act-On will validate your email message before you send it. The footer must contain this basic information, or you will not be able to send the email. 

Opt-Out Link Required There are several options for this link. See this article for more information.

Company Name and Address




A link to your Subscription Management Form 


This could be:

  • One of two different link options for the default Subscription Management Form
  • Your Custom Subscription Management For

Using the Default Footer

By design, the Default Footer cannot be changed.


Create a Custom Email Footer

  1. Go to Content > Email Footers.
  2. Click Add Footer to create a new Custom Footer.
  3. Edit the Contents to include the minimum requirements.
  4. Style the footer as desired.
    • The Email Footer is meant to be flexible to apply to multiple email styles.
    • The text cannot be tiny or have low contrast (e.g., off-white text on a white background)
  5. Below the HTML version, click on Generate Text Footer from HTML.
  6. Depending on the Opt-Out link you used, you may also need to add it manually to the Plain Text version.
  7. Click Save.


Create a Custom Footer for Additional Company Addresses

  1. Go to Settings > Other Settings > Custom Account Settings > Company.
  2. Under Account addresses, click + Add address.
  3. Add an Address name, Street address, City, State, Zip code, and Country.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go to Content > Email Footers
  6. Click the Add Footer button.
  7. Add a Title.
  8. Edit the Contents of the HTML version to include the minimum requirements
    • For the Company address, click the Personalization button
    • Select Sender Field
    • Under Custom Account Fields, pick the name of the additional company address
    • Click Insert
  9. Under Text Version, click the Generate Text Footer from HTML button.
  10. Click Save.

Choose a Default Footer for New Messages

Once you are done creating, hover over the Custom Footer you want to use and click Make Default. This Footer will now be automatically applied when creating new Email Messages.


FAQs and Troubleshooting

If I edit my footer, does it update everywhere?

No, it does not. The new footer will only be updated when added to messages again. When updating your footers, remember to edit/update your e-mail templates!

Can I customize the Opt-Out page?

Yes! To do this, go to Content > Email Footers > Custom Opt-Out Confirmation Page, hover, and click Define. The editor is the same as our Landing Page editor. See our guide here for more information.

Can I use a two-click Opt-Out?

Yes, however, this is a beta feature that currently cannot be customized. Any opt-out link that would be a one-click unsubscribe turns into a two-click opt-out. To unsubscribe, contacts must click the confirmation link.


You may contact support to enable this feature.

Why doesn't my email footer pass validation?

Visit our article here for help on resolving Validation errors in the Message Composer: How to Validate an Email Message for Sending

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