Email Design
Email Composer User Guide
The Act-On Email Composer offers a rich set of features that allow for targeted email delivery, au...
Using the Rich Text Editor
Act-On's Rich Text Editor lets you create styled HTML text for your Act-On content. You can access...
Create and Use Email Signatures
Act-On allows you to create email signature templates for consistent message branding. These can b...
Using Multiple Choice Surveys in Emails
The Multiple Choice block provides an opportunity to ask email recipients a basic poll question wi...
Add Images to Emails
The Act-On Email Composer makes it easy for you to creatively incorporate button images, social me...
Inserting Hyperlinks in Emails
Hyperlinks are a critical way to add a call-to-action to your emails and generate message engageme...
Using Anchors in Emails
Anchors are destinations for links and are frequently used in messages containing a significant am...
How to Add Bulletproof Buttons in Emails
A bulletproof button lets you include attractive, personalized buttons in email messages with a vi...
Creating Dynamic Content in Email Messages
Define sections of your email that display differently for recipients depending on their profile a...
Create a Mobile Responsive Email Design
Designing emails with mobile users in mind has become a standard practice to ensure that content l...
Act-On AI Create in Email
Use the technology of OpenAI to create new content for your emails with Act-On AI Create. In the E...
Create Custom Email Headers
Using an email header is considered standard practice for email marketing, so the Act-On Email Com...
Create Custom Email Footers
Act-On includes a default Email Footer in your messages. Most marketers will want to customize thi...
Add a Custom Font to your Act-On Email
To add a custom font to your email, you can either add the font directly in your email design or u...
Set a Background Image for Text in an Email
Setting a background image for text is not a standard feature of Act-On, however, you can easily a...
Add a Note in your CRM when Sending an Email
Update your CRM with a note that there was an email sent to the contact via Act-On. This is availa...
Adding Attachments to an Email
While in the Email Composer, you can attach files to your messages by adding them as download butt...
How to Add an Opt-Out Link to an Email
Marketing messages must include an opt-out link unsubscribe. This is included in Act-On's default ...
Preview an Email Message Design
You can perform a quality check by previewing your emails in HTML, plain text, and mobile views in...
Testing the Clickthrough Links in an Email Message
View all the links contained in your email, along with the associate anchor text. Act-On tests the...
Testing an Email Message with Litmus
The Litmus integration for Act-On gives you the ability to preview your email messages across an e...
Generate a Plain Text Version of an Email Message
Most people receive and view their email messages in an HTML format, and a great amount of time an...
Adding a Classic Form Link to a Legacy Email
In a legacy email design, you can insert links to Act-On Classic Forms as calls to action with a W...
Add a Classic Form Link to an Email
Links to Act-On forms can be inserted as calls-to-action within your email message. When you speci...
Custom Stationery Overview
Stationery wraps around the content created within the Message Composer and the Classic Form buil...
Using -AO- Tags in Your Custom Stationery
Using the native Act-On CSS tags included in the new stock stationery, you can enable the new comp...