For seamless data synchronization between SugarCRM and Act-On Marketing Lists, establish a mapping of your data fields and configure the synchronization settings to ensure real-time data updates. If you are using Act-On Contacts, click here.
- First, make sure SugarCRM is connected to Act-On.
Data Management Setup and Sync
- Using your Administrator account, sign in to Act-On.
- Go to Settings > Data Management > Report Mapping tab.
- In Map CRM Fields to Act-On Reporting Fields:
- Confirm the SugarCRM fields on the left are mapped correctly to Act-On fields on the right.
- Select fields to use in Personalization (e.g. outbound emails) if required.
- Import Opportunity and Revenue data for reporting.
You must map the SugarCRM contact email field to the Act-On Contacts E-mail address field. - Click Save in the top banner.
- Click the Sync Schedule tab.
- Under Synchronization Schedule, schedule your recurring sync. Automatic is recommended.
- In the Options section, choose the opt-out sync options you want.
When Act-On syncs opt-outs to Netsuite it syncs to the Global Subscription Status field
Field ID:globalSubscriptionStatus
If you're using a custom field for Opt-Outs and need to synchronize with a distinct field in SugarCRM, avoid using the Opt-Out sync feature here. Instead, establish a List Maintenance Program on a Marketing List Segment and push that to your CRM. Refer to the instructions on creating a List Maintenance Program for more details. - Click Save in the top banner.
- Click Sync Now to populate your Act-On with your SugarCRM data.
Select Fields to Use
Select the SugarCRM fields that will be used in Act-On. These fields will be available in the following areas:
Account-Based Marketing features:
- Account Groups
- Email Personalization using CRM Data
- Segment criteria for CRM-synced lists (CRM Segments)
- Funnel Reports
Some fields are pre-selected because they are required for out-of-the-box reporting and other standard functionality in Act-On. To select additional fields:
- Go to Settings > Data Management > CRM Entities tab.
- Click on the Entity name to expand the fields for that object.
- Select the fields you want to sync. Available fields are shown in the left column, which is searchable.
- Review the Selected fields column to confirm you have the correct fields selected.
Tip: If you have two fields with the same name or you aren’t sure what the data looks like in a SugarCRM field, hover over each to view the field ID, or use Data Preview to see a sample of records by clicking the record-count bubble for the object you want to view: - Repeat for all of your CRM Objects.
- Click Save in the top banner.
Import Marketing Lists from SugarCRM
- Sign into your Act-On account as an Administrator.
- Go to Contacts > Marketing Lists.
- Click the Import button with the Sugar logo on it, in the top right corner.
- Select one of the import options (these can only be imported one at a time. You'll be importing all of them):
- All SugarCRM Contacts
- All SugarCRM Leads
- All SugarCRM Targets
- All SugarCRM Accounts
- SugarCRM Target List
- Update the New List Name to be unique.
- Click Next.
- Select the fields you want to import from SugarCRM to Act-On. The imported data can be used to make segments in Act-On, as well as personalize messages.
Best practice tip: Resist the temptation to choose all available fields, as many are unnecessary for digital marketing and only add unnecessary complexity. You can easily add fields later if needed. Important fields include:- Email – Must be selected.
- Act-On Lead Score – Select this to push lead scores to SugarCRM using the lead score field you created when setting up your connection to Act-On.
- Assigned to – Act-On uses this for lead/contact owner association for hot prospects.
- Click Finish.
Repeat these steps until all imported list options (in step 4 above) have been imported.
Synchronize SugarCRM Marketing Lists to Act-On
Now that your Marketing Lists have been imported, set up an automated sync schedule to maintain up-to-date data.
- Go to Contacts > Marketing Lists.
- Hover over your SugarCRM list, and click the drop-down arrow.
- Go to Import/Export > SugarCRM Sync Setup.
- Set up which fields to Push and Pull. Typically, you will want to Push the Act-On Lead Score to SugarCRM and Pull all the other values. To do this:
- Select the Push to SugarCRM checkbox.
- In Push to SugarCRM, select the Update existing records check box and click the Select Push-Update Fields link.
- Select Act-On Lead Score and click Save.
- Select the Pull from SugarCRM check box and below, select the Add, Update, and Remove checkboxes
- Next to Update, click the Select Pull-Update Fields link.
- Ensure that Act-On Lead Score is NOT selected (and other fields are).
- Click Save.
Lead Scores should only be pushed to SugarCRM. Never set to pull the Lead Score field. This can cause issues including incorrect scores and long sync times.
- In Execution, click Schedule Pull, choose how often you want the sync to occur, and click Save.
- Click Save to confirm the sync schedule for the Marketing List.
Repeat these steps for the other SugarCRM Marketing Lists you would like to keep in sync.
Scheduled syncs are a full sync every two weeks (pulling and updating every record) and incremental syncs between these (pulling and updating only those records that have changed in the CRM).
A full sync will occur if a new field is added in the Marketing List. Pushing data from Act-On to Sugar occurs immediately when data changes, if Push to SugarCRM is checked. It does not require a schedule.
(Optional) Update Lead Score in SugarCRM with a List Maintenance Program
If you intend to push Act-On Lead Score for contacts to your SugarCRM in your integration and have already configured the lead score field in SugarCRM as detailed in Connecting SugarCRM to Act-On, follow the steps below to ensure the value in your list gets updated with the Lead Score in SugarCRM.
- Go to Contacts > Marketing Lists.
- Hover over your SugarCRM list, and click the drop-down arrow.
- Go to Maintenance > Setup Maintenance Program.
- Enter a Program name and description (such as "Lead Score Update to SugarCRM").
- Select your schedule, Manually or On a schedule from hourly to monthly. We recommend scheduling this to run shortly before the Marketing List sync (which was set up above).
- Click Continue.
- In the Program Steps tab, under Steps, a new step is created (if not, click Add a step).
- Enter a New step name such as "Update Lead Score in List".
- Select Change field value and Use current source list.
- Under List field to update, select Act-On Lead Score.
- Under Update value as follows, select Set value to behavioral score.
- Select Apply to all contacts in the program.
- At the top right, click Save changes.
Repeat these steps for any other SugarCRM Marketing Lists you want to set up a program for updating the Lead Score.
(Optional) Sales Prospect List Assignment
If the SugarCRM sales reps are to use the Hot Prospects dashlet, follow the steps below:
- Confirm Beacon tracker is set up on your domain, and/or ensure you are using Act-On Forms & Landing Pages.
- Ensure you have the Act-On managed feature turned on in your account called PersonalizedFrom. To have this feature enabled, contact your CSM/Tech Support.
- Go to Contacts > Marketing Lists.
- Hover over your All Sugar CRM Leads list and click the down arrow.
- Choose Maintenance > Identify List Columns.
- Under Contact Owner Name use the drop-down to select Assigned to.
- Click Save.
- Go to Contacts > Other Lists > Account Lists > Sales Prospects.
- For each of the account lists, on the right, click > Select, choose the appropriate list, & click Submit. The Account Lists should look like this:
Next Steps
Congratulations! Your data is synchronized between SugarCRM and Act-On Marketing Lists. Now you have completed the integration, here is how you can access your Act-On data in SugarCRM.