AI Audience Insights

  • Updated

What's Changing

Looking for some new ideas to help you segment your contacts? Act-On's AI Audience Insights feature can help! Using a machine learning model, we'll analyze profile data as well as over 40 behavioral data points to suggest similar "clusters" of contacts that you may want to target. Just click "Create Segment" to take advantage of the recommendations.

To further refine the model, you can narrow it down to focus on an existing segment of contacts (perhaps just those you've already identified as leads) and you can customize the fields and behaviors used to group contacts. 

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This feature was released February 8, 2024.

Customer Impact

For Act-On Contacts users who have a connected CRM (SalesForce, Sugar, NetSuite, or ZenDesk), this feature will be available to activate in the Labs tab. (Settings > Other Settings > Custom Account Settings)

To learn more about this feature, please read this article.

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