For CANSPAM compliance (details below), you must include your corporate address in your message.
The Account.BIZ_ADDRESS personalization, used in the Default footer provided with your account, is an easy way to comply with the address requirement.
If you need to update the business address on your account, update your profile information.
In Act-On, you can create custom footers using multiple corporate addresses if you have multiple locations.
- Go to Content > Email Footers
- Hover over the desired footer, and click Edit (or select Add Footer if creating a new footer).
- In the Rich Text Block, enter the text you would like to use as the opt-out link and add your organization name.
- Click the Insert Personalization Field button:
- Click the Sender Field option. From the drop-down, select Account Address (under Account (Company) Fields), & click Insert.
- This Personalization will automatically pull in the Default Account Address portion of your account profile.
- Make any additional changes you would like to the footer.
You can use the Account Name Personalization to automatically pull in your Company’s Name as displayed in the Organization tab of your Profile, under Company Name.
- Click Generate Text Footer from HTML to add the link to the text version of the footer.
- Make sure to repeat this step every time you edit this custom footer going forward
- Click Save.
The custom footer can now be added to your messages. Ensure that your Message contains your Organization Name, Physical Address, and Act-On Opt-Out link within the custom footer or the body of your Message.
The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is a federal law enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Among other things, the Act requires that your commercial email messages include the following:
- Your organization's name
- Your organization's valid postal address
- This can include a PO Box, physical street address, or private mailbox as long as they are registered with the US Postal Service
- A mechanism to opt out of all future email messages from your organization
To meet these requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act, the default footer in your Act-On messages includes an opt-out link, organization name and the address you specify in your Act-On account profile. Any custom footers you build for use in the US must meet these same requirements.