The Contact Report provides a complete view of an individual in Act-On.
To access the report, click on any contact from a list or other Act-On report (eg., Sent Message Report). Here you can gain a comprehensive view of the contact’s engagement and activity history as tracked by Act-On as well as view or edit any information associated with the contact.
The profile panel on the left provides key information for the contact that remains visible while viewing any report tab. When viewing the report within Act-On, you can click the menu button to the right of the contact’s name to:
- Print – launches a print-ready version of the report, including all information from all tabs
- Send Message – launches the Email Composer to send a message to this contact
- Edit - brings you to the Info tab in order to edit that contact's information on the current list
- Print All - launches a print-ready version of the report, including all information from all report tabs and all Info tabs from all lists that the contact's email address is found in. This option should be used when fulfilling Right of Information requests under GDPR or CCPA as it produces the most complete view of a given data subject.
- Delete Contact – deletes the contact from the list you are currently viewing (not a substitute for complete erasure under GDPR)
The Current List dropdown lets you navigate between all the lists that contain this contact (email address). If the same email address appears twice in a list, you will find that list named twice in the dropdown – click between them to see the different data for each record. The differences are most notable in the Info tab and in the Profile section of the report.
Note: Behavioral data (web visits, form fills, message clicks, etc.) are tied to the email address and will not change between lists.
Current Score displays the contacts' lead score from the default score sheet. If your account has multiple score sheets, you can easily switch between them using the button below the score.
The AI Predictive Lead Score for the contact is also displayed in eligible accounts. For more information, see AI Predictive Lead Score in Contact Reports.
The Summary tab displays a cumulative count of all behaviors and activities as well as the contact’s score. Clicking the Scorecard reveals how points have been gained by behavior type. Each of the behavior cards offers a count of the total behaviors of that type. Clicking on any of these cards takes you to a filtered view of the Timeline tab to display only behaviors of that type.
The Timeline tab provides a timeline of behaviors for the Contact. The Timeline can be filtered by the behavior type via the filter button in the top right. By default, the timeline displays all activities from every contact.
The Scoring tab displays lead scores for all score sheets in your account. Below the score, you’ll find a table explaining how the contact reached that score: how many events qualified for your scoring criteria, plus the points assigned to the contact for these events.
The Membership tab gives you more details about all lists and segments that contain this contact (email address). If there is an arrow next to a list, you can click it to expand all segments underneath it. Click any list or segment name to open it.
The Info tab provides you with a tabular view of the fields and values attached to the contact record as found on the list used to access the report. Additionally, these values can be easily edited by clicking on the field value, making the desired change, and saving it to the list. Changes will be synced to the CRM upon your next sync.
Customers who are syncing Salesforce CRM with Act-On can use The Association tab which lists all synced records that are related to the Contact. This may include Account, Opportunity, Campaign, or other records which can be viewed in a tabular view of the fields and values on each object via the Actions menu on the right of each listed record. When viewing the data on these related records, the values are protected from changes to prevent undesirable effects in Salesforce. Viewing the fields and values in these associated records can be very helpful in crafting or troubleshooting segmentation rules that leverage this data.
If associated with an Account record, the Actions menu for this associated record allows you to easily navigate to the Account Report where you can see a cumulative view of every contact associated with the account.