The Act-On Package for Salesforce: Install, Upgrade, & Troubleshoot

  • Updated

The Act-On package for Salesforce allows your Salesforce Sales users to see the Act-On behavior history for Leads and Contacts, access the Act-On Hot Prospects dashboard, send emails to Leads and Contacts with custom email templates, and use Act-On email tracking.

Features this package provides:

This guide provides instructions for installing, upgrading, and troubleshooting the package. Once the package is installed, the Act-On components must be enabled in Salesforce. 


If you have previously installed an Act-On package in your Salesforce account and need to upgrade, see Upgrading your Salesforce package below. 

First-Time Installation

Check Your Browser Preferences

To use the package for Salesforce, your browser must give permission for Act-On to perform various tasks. Otherwise, you may encounter issues such as a page failing to load, no response when clicking a button, and data failing to load. See Recommended Browser Preferences for details.

Remote Site Setup

Act-On's inline activity history view for the sales team requires you to authorize two Act-On URLs as remote sites in your Salesforce account.

  1. In Salesforce, navigate to Setup.
  2. In Quick Find in the left column, type “Remote Site” and click on Remote Site Settings.
  3. Click the button New Remote Site.
  4. Configure two new remote sites with the following settings:
    • First site:
      • Remote Site Name: Act_On_Service
      • Remote Site URL: 
    • Second site:
      • Remote Site Name - Act_On2
      • Remote Site URL - This will match the URL of your Act-On account. Sign in to Act-On and check the address bar in your web browser. Examples:
    • Ensure that the Active checkbox is checked for both sites.
    • Ensure these reflect secure URLs (https://) exactly as above.

Set up a Domain for Salesforce 

Note: Some Salesforce accounts already have this configured.

This step sets up a custom subdomain for your Salesforce account, which is required to use the Act-On Lightning app.

  1. Sign in to Salesforce as a System Administrator.
  2. Go to Company Settings > My Domain.
  3. Click Add a Domain.
  4. Enter the domain name.
  5. Click on Check Availability.
  6. Register Domain. This can take a few minutes.
  7. Click on Login.

See the Salesforce Help for more information on this setting and more advanced configuration options.

Install the Act-On Package

Note: When installing the package, a custom field will be created labeled "AccountId18char". This is a field necessary for our Account Report feature.

  1. In Act-On, go to Settings > Connectors > CRM > Salesforce and click the Install Package button.
  2. Click OK to acknowledge that you have set up your Remote Site Settings (above).
    Alternatively, Salesforce Administrators can click here to install ActOnInfo.
  3. A new window will pop up. Sign in to Salesforce as a System Administrator.
  4. Select Install for All Users.
    Even though access will be granted to all Salesforce users, Act-On will not be accessible by any users until the features have been exposed via Salesforce layouts and the users have been registered in Act-On.
  5. Check the box to acknowledge this is a non-native Salesforce App and approve the installation.
  6. Click Install.

Installation may take a while. You will receive an email when the installation is complete.


Pre-approve OAuth for System Administrator and Act-On Users

This allows users to access Lightning features.

  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup > Apps > App Manager > Act-On Lightning Support > select Manage from drop-down.
  2. Click Edit Policies.
  3. Go to OAuth policies > Permitted Users > Admin approved users are pre-authorized > Save.
  4. If you get a pop-up warning, click OK.
  5. Scroll down and find the button Manage Profiles.
  6. Check the box for System Administrator and any other Profiles for your Act-On Users (for example Standard Platform User) and click Save.

See the Salesforce Help for more information on this setting.

(Optional) Update Clickjack Protection settings

Clickjack Protection is not required to use Act-On, however, if your organization has chosen to use this security feature, it may block Act-On from loading on the page.

To display Act-On elements in your Salesforce account while still using Clickjack Protection, your Salesforce System Administrator may add the domain, * to your allowlist

  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup > Quick Find and type to find "Session Settings".
  2. Find Clickjack Protection.
  3. Turn off/uncheck “Enable clickjack protection for custom Visualforce pages with headers disabled”.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Installation should now be complete. See Next Steps.

Upgrading the Act-On Package for Salesforce

Current package version: ActOnInfo 1.91
Released October 8, 2024

The steps required to upgrade vary depending on the current version of the Salesforce package that is installed. Check your installed version & upgrade as directed below.

Check Your Act-On Salesforce Package Version

Option 1: Check From Act-On

  1. Go to SettingsConnectors > Salesforce and click the Install/Check Package button:
  2. Sign in to Salesforce as the System Administrator.
  3. Review your installed version and the new version to indicate whether your account can be upgraded.
Important: The package validation in Salesforce may indicate that you need to update when you do not. Pay attention to the package versions. If the Installed Version matches the New Version, then you do not need to upgrade.

Option 2: Check From Salesforce

Sign in to the Salesforce account connected to your Act-On account to review installed packages.

Steps in Lightning

  1. Click on the gear icon at the top right corner: 
  2. Click Setup.
  3. Navigate to Platform Tools > Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages and locate Act-On.
    (You can also use Quick Find & search for “installed packages”)

Steps in Classic

Navigate to Setup > Build > Installed Packages and locate Act-On.

Upgrading from ActOnInfo 1.85 or later

  1. In Act-On, go to Settings > Connectors > CRM > Salesforce and click the Install Package button.
  2. Click OK to acknowledge that you have set up your Remote Site Settings (this is usually performed with your first installation).
    • Alternatively, Salesforce Administrators can click here to install ActOnInfo v1.91.
  3. A new window will pop up. Sign in to Salesforce as a System Administrator.
  4. Select Install for All Users.
  5. Check the box to acknowledge this is a non-native Salesforce App and approve the installation.
  6. Click Upgrade. This may take a while. You will receive an email when the installation is complete.

Screen Image of Upgrading ActOnInfo in Salesforce

The upgrade should now be complete. See Next Steps.

Upgrade from ActOnInfo 1.84 or earlier

These upgrade steps upgrade the package to Salesforce Lightning Support. Your Salesforce Administrator must follow these steps to access all of Act-On's features.

Step 1: Set up a Domain for Salesforce 

This step sets up a custom subdomain for your Salesforce account, which is required to use the Act-On Lightning app. Some Salesforce accounts already have this configured.

  1. Sign in to Salesforce as a System Administrator in Lightning mode.
  2. Go to Setup> Company Settings > My Domain.
  3. Click Add a Domain.
  4. Enter the domain name.
  5. Click on Check Availability.
  6. Register Domain (Note: this can take a few minutes).
  7. Click on Login.
  8. Click Deploy to Users.

See the Salesforce Help for more information on this setting and more advanced configuration options.

Step 2: Upgrade the Act-On Package

Note: When installing the package, a custom field will be created labeled "AccountId18char". This is a field necessary for our Account Report feature.

  1. Salesforce Administrators can click here to install ActOnInfo v1.91
  2. Sign in to Salesforce as a System Administrator.
  3. Select Install for All Users.
  4. Check the box to acknowledge this is a non-native Salesforce App.
  5. Click Install. This may take a while. You will receive an email when the installation is complete.

Step 3: Pre-approve OAuth for Act-On Users

This allows users to access the Send Act-On Email to Report feature in Lightning.

  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup > Apps > App manager > Act-On Lightning Support and select Manage from the drop-down.
  2. Click Edit Policies.
  3. Go to OAuth policies > Permitted Users > Admin approved users are pre-authorized > Save.
  4. If you get a pop-up warning, click OK.
  5. Scroll down and find the button "Manage Profiles".
  6. Check the box for System Administrator and any other Profiles for your Act-On Users (eg, Custom Sales Profile), and click Save.

See the Salesforce Help for more information on this setting.

Step 4: Review Additional User Permissions

This new package requires some additional user permissions to use our new Lightning features.

  1. As a Salesforce system administrator, go to Setup > Users > Profiles.
  2. Select the user profile for your Sales team.
  3. Go to System Permissions and click Edit.
  4. Enable the following permissions (if not already on):
    • API Enabled
    • Run Reports
    • View Reports in Public Folder

Step 5: Remove Deprecated Components

Some Act-On Components are no longer supported with this version. 

  • Send Act-On Email to Report (Lightning home page only). See Send to Report button for instructions. 
  • activityHistoryInlineContact (Visualforce Page on Lead and Contact layouts).

Once the upgrade steps are complete, see the Next Steps below.

Next Steps

Once the Salesforce package has been installed or upgraded, your Salesforce Administrator can enable Act-On components in Salesforce so your users can access Act-On features directly in Salesforce.

FAQs & Troubleshooting

My Act-On host changed, do I need to change my Remote Site Settings?

Occasionally, the URI for your account host server may change. This is uncommon, but will happen in these scenarios:

  1. Your account has migrated to a new host for some reason (e.g. your account was upgraded to a dedicated server, or our Engineering department moved your account to a more performant host).
  2. Your account's host server has had a major change made by Act-On and the server name is now slightly different (e.g. you were hosted on, but now you are hosted on

With Scenario 1, you will need to update your settings in Salesforce.

With Scenario 2, you will not need to change your Salesforce settings but you may wish to do so. Old URIs will always resolve to the newest URI for the same host. Any new configurations should always use the new/current hostname.

Third-Party Cookie Errors When Loading Pages

If, when loading pages, you receive a third-party cookie error, for example:

refused to connect

...check your browser preferences. See Recommended Browser Preferences for details.

Remote Site Settings Errors

If, during Remote Site Setup, you receive a remote site settings error, for example:


...have your Salesforce Administrator follow the following steps to resolve the error.

Solution: Review and Update Remote Site Settings

  1. Confirm in Salesforce that your Remote Site Settings for Act_On2 and Act_On_Service are:
    • Active
    • Reflect secure URLs (https)
    • Act_On2 must match your account server URL
        • This will match the URL of your Act-On account. Sign in to Act-On and check the address bar in your web browser. Examples:
        • You can obtain your account server URL by signing in to Act-On and reviewing the address bar of your web browser.
      If you originally were hosted on a server starting with ci*, and are now hosted on forpci*, you do not need to change this setting, as the original hostname will still resolve to the correct location. See our FAQ above for more information.
    • Have no other syntax errors
  2. If you made changes here, visit the Act-On tab to test the integration. 
In this example, the account is hosted on
For this account, these are the correct Remote Site Settings in Salesforce:

Contact Support for Remote Sites Warning

If you are still receiving errors after you have confirmed the Remote Site Settings, something else could be wrong. Please contact our support team for further assistance.

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