Automated Programs are set by default to use the list field mapped to the Contact's Email Address as the unique identifier. There are, however, times when a contact may need to enter a program more than once, such as:
- If a contact has multiple orders.
- If a returning visitor is requesting information from a different division.
- If a customer recently purchased several products and each product has a unique warranty serial number.
Adding an alternate unique ID allows your contact to enter and re-enter your Automated Program when submitting forms under the same email address.
How to Set an Alternate Unique ID
Once you have confirmed that the controlled feature for alternate unique identifiers has been enabled for your account, follow these steps:
- Go to Automation > Automated Programs & either create a new or edit an existing program.
- In the Settings tab, underĀ Contact Sources, add your segments/lists.
- In the Options section, click the checkbox next to Use alternate unique identifier.
- Select the list field you'd like to use as a unique identifier:
- Save your program.