How To Use Early-Exit Conditions

  • Updated

Remove contacts from a program flow when they meet a specific condition with the Early Exit Condition feature in Automated Programs. 

Early Exit Conditions 

How to Add Early Exit Conditions to your Automated Program

  1. In Act-On, go to Automation > Automated Programs > Programs tab > select a program > Build (top left) > Early exits, and click +Add Condition:


  1. Select a list or segment:


Before a contact executes a step in a program, Act-On checks to make sure that that contact is still eligible to be in the program. Contacts who are in the list(s) you select as an early exit condition will automatically be exited from the program.

Example Uses

Early Exit Conditions for Lead Scoring 

  • When running a re-engagement campaign using Automated Programs your list may contain contacts with a low lead score. 
  • As the contact moves through the campaign they may reach various engagement points (landing page visits, form submissions, or media downloads) causing their lead score to increase.
  • In this case, the contact would have achieved the campaign goal and the Early Exit Condition would exit them from the low engagement program.

Early Exit Conditions For Event Registration

  • If your Automated Program is aimed at encouraging event registrations, Early Exit Conditions can remove contacts from a program once their registration is submitted. By removing registered contacts from the program flow, you avoid sharing redundant information and exhausting your contacts. 

Early Exists for Suppression

  • The Early Exit Condition may be used as a safeguard to suppress a list of contacts that should not be going through any Automated Program touchpoints.

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