Using Sender Personalization Fields

  • Updated

You can add personalized content to your Act-On emails & Landing Pages in a variety of ways. In addition to the standard method of using data from your list fields or CRM fields, Act-On provides a selection of account-wide Sender Personalization fields. These fields are typically used for outbound email messages, but some may be appropriate for Landing Page content as well.

Adding Sender Personalization Fields

In the new Email Composer:

  1. Open the email you want, & in the Design tab, add or select a content block (Personalization is available in the following content blocks: Title, Paragraph, Button, List, Table, AI Create)
  2. In the content block, place the cursor where you want to add a Personalization field & from the toolbar that appears, click Personalization:

How to Personalize Email Content with CRM Data 02.png

  1. In the Personalize dialog, on the left, select Sender fields.
  2. Search for & select the field you want, then click Insert. The variable is added to your message.

In the Landing Page composer or the legacy email composer:

  1. Open the Landing Page or legacy email you want, & in the Design tab, either create or edit a Rich Text Block. In a legacy email, you can also add Sender Personalization in the footer.
  2. Edit the block & in the toolbar, click Personalization:

Using Sender Personalization Fields 01.png

  1. Select Sender Field:


  1. From the dropdown, choose the field you want. The variable text is added to your message.

Types of Sender Personalization Fields

Account (Company)

Account fields include Account Name and Account Address. These important fields are set within the Settings > Other Settings > Custom Account Settings > Company sections of your Act-On account. They are responsible for populating information in your email footers and are necessary for passing CANSPAM regulations. See Setting Profile and Account Information for setup instructions.

Field Name Description Output
Account Name Add your company's name {{Account.COMPANY}}
Account Address Add your company's address {{Account.BIZ_ADDRESS}}

Account User

Account User fields populate data from the Logged-In User's information. You can update these details in your account's Profile > Manage profile section, located in the drop-down menu under your account name. An admin user can also edit these details by going to Settings > Users and clicking the pencil icon that appears when you hover over a Marketing or Sales User.

Field Name Description Output
User Title Add the account user's job title {{User.TITLE}}
User Phone Number Add the account user's business phone number {{User.BIZ_PHONE}}
User Mobile Number Add the account user's cell phone number {{User.CELL_PHONE}}
User Last Name Add the account user's last name {{User.LASTNAME}}
User First Name Add the account user's first name {{User.FIRSTNAME}}
User Fax Number Add the account user's fax number {{User.FAX}}
User Email Add the account user's email address {{User.EMAIL}}
User Address Add the account user's physical address {{User.BIZ_ADDRESS}}


Account Date fields offer a variety of date formatting options. Use an Account Date field in your landing page or email to display the current date. Use an Account Date with Offset field to display a custom future date relative to the current date.

Field Name Description Output
Account Date (Short Format)

Add the current date in a short length format




Account Date (Medium Format)

Add the current date in a medium-length format



Jan 1, 2022

Account Date (Long Format)

Add the current date in a long format

Month DD, YYYY


January 1, 2022

Account Date (Full Format)

Add the current date in a full-date format

Day of Week, Month DD, YYYY


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Account Date with Offset (Short Format)

Add an offset of the current date (short format)

Today's date plus X days

{{^Account.DATEWITHOFFSET(SHORT,[your offset])}}



1/6/22 (5 days ahead of current date)

Account Date with Offset (Medium Format) Add an offset of the current date (medium format)
{{^Account.DATEWITHOFFSET(MEDIUM,[your offset])}}



Jan 6, 2022

Account Date with Offset (Long Format) Add an offset of the current date (long format)
{{^Account.DATEWITHOFFSET(LONG,[your offset])}}



January 6, 2022

Account Date with Offset (Full Format) Add an offset of the current date (full format)
{{^Account.DATEWITHOFFSET(FULL,[your offset])}}



Thursday, January 6, 2022

Message Sender

Message Sender fields allow you to personalize emails with data from your list of approved Senders and From Addresses. You can edit these details in Settings > Other Settings > From: Addresses.

For more instructions on personalizing the Sender in the From address, see Personalized From Addresses.

Field Name Description Output
Sender Title Add the sender's job title {{Sender.TITLE}}
Sender Phone Add the sender's phone number {{Sender.PHONE}}
Sender Name Add the sender's name (first and last) {{Sender.NAME}}
Sender Mobile Number Add the sender's cell phone number {{Sender.CELL_PHONE}}
Sender Fax Number Add the sender's fax number {{Sender.FAX}}
Sender Email Add the sender's email address {{Sender.EMAIL}}

Personalized Opt-Out and Subscription Management Links

You can insert variations of the Opt-Out and Subscription Management links into your email content or footer with these Sender Personalization fields. These are personalized links that you should include in your email footers.

For more information on how to use these links, see How to Add an Opt-Out Link to an Email.

Custom Account Personalizations

In addition to these sender fields, you can create Custom Account Personalizations for additional flexibility with account-wide personalizations.

Next Steps

Learn how to Preview Email Personalizations and Add Personalized URLs to Email Messages.


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