What is SMS?
By now, most of us know about SMS. For our purposes, it is a channel of communication that you can use in Act-On to send text messages to targeted audiences. Act-On allows you to use our SMS features for both Promotional and Transactional purposes.
Sending SMS differs from sending email in many ways. Here are some highlights:
- Messages are short (160 characters), and contain no formatting
- Regulations for sending SMS are very different than for email
- SMS is strictly opt-in only, meaning you can only send SMS messages to Recipients who have agreed to receive your messages
Some of the ways SMS is the same in Act-On:
- You can use segmentation and behavior data to send targeted messaging
- Act-On can track clickthrough behavior from SMS
- You can use SMS in Automated Programs
- Your SMS Recipients can opt out at any time
Continue reading to learn more about SMS in Act-On and some key terms that you will need to know as you begin to use this feature.
SMS Credits
Act-On uses Credits to track the number of SMS messages sent. Your SMS Credit allowance resets on the 1st of each month. Unused Credits do not roll over.
Each SMS Message is limited to 160 characters. Messages that have more than 160 characters will use more than one Credit.
International SMS messages that are sent to phone numbers from outside the US and Canada will consume credits on a multiplier. This multiplier varies by country.
To view your current Credit balance, go to SMS > Messages > New Message > Message and review the Credits Summary.
SMS Recipients
When you send an SMS message, a Recipient is eligible for receiving SMS when they meet the following criteria:
- Their record is present in the selected Marketing List or Segment
- Their phone number is present on the Opt-In List
- The same phone number is in the Marketing List or Segment
SMS Opt-In List
The SMS Opt-In List contains mobile phone numbers that have opted in to receiving text messages from your company. Act-On uses this list to determine which Recipients in a Marketing List are eligible to receive SMS messages.
When you create an SMS message, you will select Act-On Marketing Lists and Segments. Then, Act-On will use the SMS Opt-In List to check if Recipients are Opted-In.
SMS Opt-Out List
The SMS Opt-Out List contains mobile phone numbers that have unsubscribed from receiving text messages from your company.
After receiving a SMS message from Act-On, a Recipient can reply back with the word “STOP” to opt out. This will add them to the SMS Opt-Out List in Act-On.
Let your Recipients know they can do this by sending a disclosure when you send SMS messages. Example: “Reply STOP to unsubscribe”
To view the phone numbers of Recipients who have opted out with an SMS response, go to SMS > Opt-Outs.
How To Purchase SMS
SMS is an Add-on feature. Pricing is based on how many SMS Credits you buy.
For more information, contact your Account Manager.