Create segments in All Contacts based on a CRM report or campaign & sync them as CRM membership changes. Salesforce users can sync reports and campaigns. Sugar users can sync Sugar target lists.
Create a CRM-Based Segment
- Go to Contacts > All Contacts.
- From the All Contacts screen, click on the menu in the upper right corner and choose Add Segment from CRM:
- Click Select sources and choose from the available CRM reports, campaigns, or target lists. You can combine multiple reports into one segment if you choose.
- Create as a new segment and give it a name, or you can choose to Select an existing segment to add to. The segments are saved as "Direct Select" segments, so you must choose an existing parent-level direct select type segment.
- Check the box Keep this segment in sync with CRM if you want segment membership to regularly update as the report changes. Keep this unchecked if you are importing this segment for one-time use or would like to only sync on demand.
- Save your changes. You'll have the opportunity to "Sync now" to immediately populate your new segment, or you can wait until your next regular CRM sync by selecting Sync later.
Important Notes:
- CRM synced segments identify the contacts who belong to that list, report or campaign. These segments will have the same data structure as the rest of your contacts. Synced segments do not bring in any new fields from the report.
- SalesForce API limitations prevent syncing more than 2000 records from a report. You may need to break up your report in SalesForce to sync a large number of contacts into a segment.
- SalesForce reports need to have a contactID or leadID column to successfully sync.
- SalesForce campaigns are limited to 5000 campaign selections.
- SalesForce campaign sync creates a query-based segment for campaign members which will naturally remain in sync, as long as you are regularly syncing with the CRM. You do not need to schedule campaigns to sync.
- SalesForce report types that are supported include Leads, Contacts, and Opportunity Contact-based reports.
- Target Lists in SugarCRM may contain Targets, Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Campaigns. Only Leads and Contacts will be added to the Act-On segment. This may lead to your Target Lists in Sugar showing a higher "Total Entries" count than the synced list within Act-On.
- To optimize performance, the total # of source objects that are syncing is limited per account. If the same source is synced to multiple segments, it will only count once. Contact Act-On if you need to increase the limit of source objects syncing.
- When importing Salesforce reports (in Formatted Report view in Lightning or Printable View in Classic), Salesforce truncates Long Text Area and Rich Text Area fields, to 255 characters. More information from Salesforce is here.
Managing Synced Segments
From the All Contacts screen, your CRM synced segments will appear among All Segments but can also be found using the filter "CRM Sourced".
A sync icon will appear to the left of the segment to indicate that it's scheduled to sync. To initiate a sync on demand, use the "Sync Now" command in the segment's menu or info hover card:
You can do all the things you would do with a normal segment such as move it to a folder, apply a tag, create subsegments, and generate A/B splits.
Use the "Edit" command to return to the sync schedule setup. Use the "Manage" command to edit the direct select segment (or segment query, in the case of campaigns).