Manage Contact Preferences in Act-On All Contacts

  • Updated

Filter All Contacts segments for Opt-Outs, Inactive Soft Bounces, Hard Bounces, Spam Reports, SMS Opt-Ins, and SMS Opt-Outs. You can also use Contact Preference segments in your messages and Automated Programs. 

Heads up!
  • These segments are system-generated and cannot be deleted. Opt-outs, hard bounces, and spam reports will automatically be suppressed from your email communications.
  • Changes made to Contact Preferences in All Contacts will also appear in Other Lists > Bounces & Opt-Outs.


View Contact Preferences

Go to Contacts > All Contacts > Segments left panel > More Filters > Contact Preferences & click on any of the following segments to see details for contacts who are:

  • Inactive Soft Bounces
  • Soft Bounces
  • Hard Bounces
  • Spam Complaints
  • Opt-Outs


In addition to the standard contact profile fields, these segments also provide specific data related to a contact's bounce or opt-out, including timestamp and origin.

Learn more about hard bounces, soft bounces, and suppressions here.

Change Contact Preference Statuses

If you'd like, you can change certain contacts' preference status. This includes:

  • Removing an opt-out
  • Changing a soft bounce to a hard bounce

Remove an opt-out

  1. Click the Opt Outs segment in Contact Preferences.
  2. Hover over the contact you wish to update & on the right, click More.
  3. Click Remove opt-out to remove this contact as an opt-out:


Change status from soft bounce to hard bounce

  1. Click the Soft Bounces segment in Contact Preferences.
  2. Hover over the contact you wish to update & on the right, click More.
  3. Click Change to hard bounce:


To change multiple soft bounce contacts to hard bounces:

  1. Check the box to the left of each contact you'd like to switch to hard bounces.
  2. Click Change to hard bounce in the top-right corner:


Heads up! Act-On does not typically permit bulk status changes for contact preferences. You can, however, set the status of multiple contacts using the import method below.

Delete or Export Contacts

You can easily delete or export all bounced or opted-out contacts from your Contact Preferences segments at any time. To do this:

  1. In Contact Preferences, hover over the segment you'd like to delete or export contacts from & on the right, click More.
  2. Click Export to export contacts from this segment in a CSV file.
  3. Click Delete all contacts to delete contacts currently in this segment.


Import Opt-Out or Bounce Status

Set contact preference statuses when importing new contacts into All Contacts. This helps you identify when new contacts are hard bounces, soft bounces, or have opted out.

  1. Go to the All Contacts main page (Contacts > All Contacts).
  2. At the top right, click  
  3. Select Import contacts:


  1. Click select your CSV file to upload your contacts list
    Tip! Your file should contain at least one contact address that you'd like to set preferences for.
  2. Map your list fields to your Act-On Contacts fields, then select Preview.
  3. In the Import Summary, check the Add contact preference box.
  4. Select one of the following statuses to upload with your list:
    • Opt-Out
    • Hard Bounce
    • Soft Bounce
  5. Click Import Contacts:


Opting Out Contacts

If you'd like to opt-out contacts from your All Contacts segments, you can do so manually in Contacts > Other Lists > Bounces & Opt Outs. Learn more here.

You can also opt out multiple contacts at once with an Automated Program. Learn more here.

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