Generating HAR Files for Troubleshooting

  • Updated

When reporting an issue, Support may occasionally need additional information about the network requests that are generated in your browser, & may ask you to record a HAR file, or a log of network requests, while that issue occurs. Here's how to do this:

Generate HAR File in Chrome

  1. Open Chrome and go to the page where the issue is occurring.
  2. At the top right, go to  > More tools > Developer tools.
  3. From the panel that appears, select the Network tab. Keep this open while you reproduce the issue.
  4. Look for a round record button in the upper left corner of the tab, and make sure it is red. If it is grey, click the button once to start recording.
  5. Check the Preserve log box & then click the grey crossed-circle button to clear any existing logs from the network tab.
  6. Reproduce the issue while the network requests are recorded.
  7. Click the download button & and save the HAR file to your computer:

Generating HAR Files for Troubleshooting 01.png

  1. Send us the HAR file, following the advice below.

Also see this article from Google's Help Center: Capture web session traffic.

Generate HAR File in Firefox

  1. Open Firefox and go to the page where the issue is occurring.
  2. At the top right, go to  > More tools > Web Developer Tools.
    From the panel that appears, select the Network tab.
  3. Reproduce the issue while the network requests are recorded.
  4. Right-click anywhere under the File column and click Save All As HAR:

Generating HAR Files for Troubleshooting 02.png

  1. Save the HAR file to your computer.
  2. Send us the HAR file, following the advice below.

Also see this article from Firefox Source Docs: Network Monitor.

Generate HAR File in Edge

  1. Open Edge and go to the page where the issue is occurring.
  2. At the top right, go to  > More tools > Developer tools.
    From the panel that appears, select  the Network tab.
  3. Reproduce the issue while the network requests are recorded.
  4. Click the Export HAR button & and save the HAR file to your computer:

Generating HAR Files for Troubleshooting 03.png

  1. Send us the HAR file, following the advice below.

Also see this article from the Microsoft Edge website: Inspect network activity.

Send HAR Files

Before you send your HAR file:

  • Rename it.
    By default, HAR files use the page URL as the name of the file. Files with .com extensions look suspicious to spam and phishing filters. Give the HAR file a descriptive name that doesn't include the full URL.
  • Zip or compress it.
    Uncompressed HAR files may be over file attachment limits.

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