Setting up the Advanced Social Media (ASM) Module

  • Updated

Act-On’s advanced social publishing allows you to create, curate, and schedule your content in advance. Act-On then automatically publishes your content based on your targeted social media schedule, such as LinkedIn. This freedom allows you to better coordinate your social media activities with your other brand, demand, and nurture campaigns.

Add Fields in Act-On

Sign in to Act-On and head over to Contacts > Standard Field Names. Scroll to the bottom, and add the following fields, exactly as they appear below:

Name System Usage
OktoClickTime None
OktoClickNetwork None
OktoClickProfile None
OktoClickCampaign None
OktoClickPostLink None

Next, you'll have to add these fields on the main marketing list that will be syncing to ASM:

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Marketing Lists
  2. Locate the list that you'll be using as your default list with ASM
  3. Click the dropdown menu beside that list and choose Maintenance > Change List Columns
  4. At the very bottom of this screen, click the Add Column button
  5. Add a column for each of the ASM fields listed in the table above – you can type the name or select it using the icon to the right of the field

You've now got the fields set up to receive social engagement data from ASM.

Set up the Integration

  1. Start the set-up by creating a new CNAME for your domain that points to
  2. Sign in to and navigate to Integrations > Act-On
  3. Enter your Act-On username and password and submit the form
  4. Select the default list which your ASM lead data will automatically be synced to
  5. Enter the CNAME you're set up according to the instructions above
  6. Submit the form again to save the configuration

After the integration is configured, any lead that is captured using Oktopost will be added to the default Act-On list you selected. If the lead already exists in Act-On, Oktopost will add the information to this lead's record. If the lead doesn't exist yet in Act-On, a new record will be created.

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